Lillian Tidtrick of St. Joe’s among those to win scholarship


The American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit  organization focused on heart and brain health for all, is pleased to announce the 2021 recipients of the Lorraine Dodero STEM Goes Red for Girls Scholarship. Area high school  students Kate Auletta of University Heights (Beaumont School); Moira Burke of Westlake  (St. Angela Merici School); Abigail Collins of Avon Lake (Saint Joseph Academy); Elizabeth  Horwitz of Chagrin Falls (Gilmour Academy); and Lillian Tidtrick of Cleveland (Saint  Joseph Academy) will each receive a $5,000 award in recognition of their hard work and  determination.  

The American Heart Association’s Lorraine Dodero STEM Goes Red for Girls Scholarship was created in 2019 with the goal of helping students interested in pursuing careers in a  STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) field achieve their goals.  

“I am passionate,” says Dodero, the trustee and chairman of the Sam J. Frankino  Foundation, “about helping young women pursue their goals in STEM. These five students,  through their intellect and scholarship, are our future leaders in science, technology,  engineering, and math fields. They all have bright futures ahead of them; I am honored to  be a part of their journeys in STEM.”  

Adds Valerie Hillow Gates, the American Heart Association’s executive director: “Studies  show that women are grossly underrepresented in research and STEM fields. Lorraine is a  visionary leader in the Cleveland community who is helping develop a robust pipeline of  innovators. These young minds could develop the research, technology and discoveries  that will someday eliminate heart disease and stroke and ensure health equity in our  communities.” 

Currently, nearly 8 million science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) jobs are  available in the United States, yet most U.S. students will be unprepared for a future  career in these roles. Moreover, only 3 out of 100 female bachelor’s degree students  continue to work in STEM fields after graduating. Female professionals only account for  34% of practicing physicians and 38% of medical researchers in the U.S.  

“As the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer-driven, woman-led, non-profit dedicated to  fighting heart disease and stroke,” adds Gates, “the American Heart Association  understands the pressing need for more women to pursue careers in STEM. Lorraine is 

Cleveland Go Red For Women – 2 

committed to creating opportunities for girls in our region to build confidence, set  ambitious goals, and see themselves as future STEM leaders.” 

The Lorraine Dodero STEM Goes Red for Girls scholarship was first announced at the  Association’s STEM Goes Red for Girls event in 2019. Each year, the event, now heading  into its 5th year in the spring of 2022, empowers young women to close the gender gap,  pursue STEM careers and become driving forces for health in our community. STEM Goes  Red for Girls inspires an extraordinary group of local elementary to high school girls to  explore STEM outside the classroom while also learning how to take charge of their health  and well-being. Students, mentors, and professional attendees hear insightful talks from  leading innovators on industry trends, network and make memorable connections, glean  invaluable insights into women’s health, and fight the #1 killer of women -– heart disease.  It is part of the Go Red for Women movement, of which Dodero is a past Campaign Chair. 

County Councilman Dale Miller Endorses Justin Bibb for Mayor

Experienced public servant Dale Miller endorses new vision for Cleveland 


County Councilman Dale Miller has been in local public office for over 40 years, he served first on Cleveland City Council, then as a State Representative and State Senator and now as Cuyahoga County Councilman for District 2.

“I’m endorsing Justin Bibb because I know that he is active and involved in the community, not somebody that has come out of nowhere,” Miller said. 

“He has a broad base of experience connected to all three major sectors that keep our city running — government, business and the nonprofit sector. Justin Bibb exemplifies the kind of sensible, reasonable, cross-sector leadership this city and region needs to move forward. It’s time for a new vision for Cleveland and the region,” Miller added.

“I’m grateful to receive the endorsement of county Councilman Dale Miller, he understands what makes Northeast Ohio tick. As mayor, I’m looking forward to collaborating with county leadership to better serve our communities,” Bibb said. 

“Councilman Miller has put his faith in me because I have been on the frontlines as a community organizer and actively engaged in boardrooms as a civic leader and business person for the past decade. This might be the first time I’m running for office, but I’m not new to government or Cleveland politics,” Bibb added. 

Justin Bibb was raised on the southeast side of the city by his mom, a social worker, and his dad, who served as both a police officer and firefighter. President Obama gave him his start in politics as a Senate intern. Bibb later joined Cuyahoga County as the youngest member of the executive’s cabinet and served as special assistant on economic development and education policy. He later earned law and business degrees at Case Western Reserve University and served as vice president at Cleveland’s KeyBank. He currently advises mayors and city leaders across the country on how to use data and technology in projects to improve cities. As mayor, he’ll invest in all neighborhoods, reform policing, address violent crime and ensure high-quality education for our children.


* Today — Go on-line and order your vote-by-mail ballot.

* Oct. 4 — Deadline to register to vote at the Rockport Library OR

* Oct. 5 — Early in-person voting begins at 2925 Euclid Ave.

* Oct. 5 — Board of Elections begins to mail vote-by-mail ballots.ASAP, send in your vote-by-mail ballots. Check your ballots at:

* Nov. 2 — General Election from 6:30 am-7:30 pm at these sites.


Mayoral candidates Justin Bibb and Kevin Kelley

Web —, Facebook — bibbforcleve

Web —, Facebook —

Ward 17 candidates Mary K. O’Malley and Charles Slife

Web, FB — MKOforWard17

Web —, Facebook — SlifeForCLE

Questions? 216-443-VOTE,

Former Mayor Jane Campbell endorses Justin Bibb at West Park meet and greet


Yesterday, Sept. 23, former Mayor Jane Campbell endorsed nonprofit and business executive Justin Bibb for Mayor at a meet and greet with West Park residents. 

“I was our city’s 56th mayor. I know what it takes to lead our city, and Justin has the bold vision and energy to lead real change,” Campbell said.  

“I know firsthand what it’s like to be doubted as a worthy opponent. In one of the debates in 2001 I was asked whether I was tough enough to be mayor – a question never posed to my male opponents. In 2002, I became the first woman Mayor of the City of Cleveland, defying the odds and injecting a new brand of leadership to the city,” she said. “Like Justin will do, I pulled together a leadership team. His vitality and understanding of how the private and non-profit sectors work give him the ability to bring people together and recruit talent to our city to bring real and lasting change.”

“Justin Bibb brings hope for Cleveland’s future. He will push the limits and break the status quo mentality that delays and denies progress. He’ll bring best practice programs and fresh ideas to a city government stuck in the past,” Campbell added. 

“Mayor Campbell was a trailblazer for the city and I’m honored to have her endorsement and support,” Bibb said. 

“She led the city after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and stabilized the budget in the face of an economic recession. Mayor Campbell confronted crisis after crisis with compassion and competence, and it’s those leadership qualities I will bring to the job,” Bibb added.

Justin Bibb was raised on the southeast side of the city by his mom, a social worker, and his dad, who served as both a police officer and firefighter. President Obama gave him his start in politics as a Senate Intern. Bibb later joined Cuyahoga County as the youngest member of the executive’s cabinet and served as Special Assistant on economic development and education policy. He later earned law and business degrees at Case Western Reserve University and served as vice president at Cleveland’s KeyBank. He currently advises mayors and city leaders across the country on how to use data and technology in projects to improve cities. As Mayor, he’ll invest in all neighborhoods, reform policing, address violent crime and ensure high-quality education for our children. 

SEIU Local 1 Endorses Justin Bibb for Cleveland Mayor


Today, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1, which represents essential workers, including janitors, maintenance, and food service workers, announced its endorsement of Justin Bibb for Mayor of Cleveland. Bibb has been an outspoken advocate on workers’ issues and has launched an inclusive economic recovery campaign to increase the minimum wage to $15. 

“Service workers and janitors are not only essential but are also the backbone of our city and country. They have played an especially important role during this pandemic by keeping our public spaces safe and clean. Our frontline service workers deserve a mayor who will fight to earn them a living wage,” Justin Bibb said. 

“Thousands of Clevelanders are working two jobs to care for their families. Despite their efforts, they struggle to make ends meet. That’s not right. The mayor has a moral obligation to prioritize essential workers in our economic recovery and to deliver real change,” said Bibb.  

“City Hall can be a better partner with labor organizations. We see Justin as bridging this gap. He’s a strong and determined ally who will bring labor organizations to the table while focusing on one common goal – putting workers first and getting them back to work,” said Yanela Sims, SEIU Local 1 Ohio State Director​/Vice President.  

Justin Bibb will fight together with SEIU Local 1 to ensure working families emerge stronger throughout the pandemic. He will continue to tackle structural inequities and ensure that city government raises the voices of frontline workers to achieve economic justice and opportunity for all.  

The Cleveland Museum of Art presents special installation of works by Vincent van Gogh


The installation includes the only etching the artist created

The Cleveland Museum of Art today announced that it has organized a special installation of four works by renowned artist Vincent van GoghOn view are two paintings, both masterpieces from the last years of the artist’s life, and two works on paper, including the only etching Van Gogh created. The free installation is on view now in the Nancy F. and Joseph P. Keithley Gallery (222).

“With the public’s recent increased interest in Vincent van Gogh, we wanted to take this opportunity to showcase a selection of real masterworks by the artist,” said William M. Griswold, director of the CMA. “We look forward to welcoming our visitors to this free installation.”

Taking inspiration from the world around him, Van Gogh preferred depicting nature and capturing aspects of everyday life. Although largely unrecognized and commercially unsuccessful during his lifetime, Van Gogh gained critical recognition after his death and became the subject of popular novels and movies. Born in the Netherlands, Van Gogh decided to become an artist at the age of 27. He moved to Paris in 1886 and produced many of his mature works while living in southern France. He also suffered intermittent psychotic breakdowns and was interned at an asylum near Saint-Rémy in 1889. Perfectly lucid between attacks, he continued painting and spent three months working at Auvers-sur-Oise north of Paris before committing suicide at age 37.  

The installation includes:

The Large Plane Trees (Road Menders at Saint-Rémy) is a painting inspired by nature. Van Gogh captured the yellowing leaves on fabric with a pattern of small red diamonds, visible in the picture’s many unpainted areas. After painting this composition Van Gogh used it to produce a second version in the studio known as The Road Menders at Saint-Rémy (Phillips Collection, Washington, DC). Painted on a traditional canvas covered by a ground layer, the second version is more restrained, the yellows balanced by larger areas of cool color.

The Large Plane Trees (Road Menders at Saint-Rémy), 1889. Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890). Oil on fabric; 73.4 x 91.8 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of the Hanna Fund, 1947.209

Two Poplars in the Alpilles near Saint-Rémy is an autumnal landscape revealing the full power of Van Gogh’s mature style. Trees twist and lean against a darkening sky, while the intense colors applied with charged brushstrokes convey his emotional reaction to the subject.

Two Poplars in the Alpilles near Saint-Rémy, 1889. Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890). Oil on fabric; 61.6 x 45.7 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Bequest of Leonard C. Hanna Jr., 1958.32

Dr. Gachet is the only etching the artist created. The artist placed himself under the care of Dr. Gachet in Auvers-sur-Oise, a small village on the northern outskirts of Paris, at the recommendation of fellow artist Camille Pissarro. The doctor was himself an amateur printmaker and gave Van Gogh a varnished copper plate, helping him to print it on his own small hand press. For his first attempt, Van Gogh depicted Gachet seated in his garden smoking a pipe. 

Dr. Gachet, 1890. Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890). Etching and drypoint, enhanced with black ink on laid paper; 18.1 x 15.2 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Dudley P. Allen Fund, 1948.303

Landscape with Wheelbarrow is an early watercolor the artist created while living in Drenthe, a village in northeastern Netherlands without modern industry. Van Gogh described the barren terrain as beautiful and serene. Created with a limited palette of green and blue, Van Gogh portrayed one of the region’s open fields illuminated by the lilac hues of the evening sky. Working with the medium, he experimented with the visible brushstrokes that would later characterize his oil paintings.

Landscape with Wheelbarrow, 1883. Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890). Watercolor and opaque watercolor with black chalk; sheet: 24.9 x 35.7 cm The Cleveland Museum of Art, Bequest of Leonard C. Hanna Jr., 1958.30


About the Cleveland Museum of Art

The Cleveland Museum of Art is renowned for the quality and breadth of its collection, which includes more than 63,000 artworks and spans 6,000 years of achievement in the arts. The museum is a significant international forum for exhibitions, scholarship and performing arts. One of the top comprehensive art museums in the nation and free of charge to all, the Cleveland Museum of Art is in the dynamic University Circle neighborhood.

The Cleveland Museum of Art receives funding from a broad range of individuals, foundations and businesses in Cleveland and northeast Ohio. The museum is supported in part by residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture and made possible in part by the Ohio Arts Council (OAC), which receives support from the State of Ohio and the National Endowment for the Arts. The OAC is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally and economically. For more information about the museum and its holdings, programs and events, call 888-CMA-0033 or visit

Dan and Dona Brady, council member Brian Mooney, endorse Kevin Kelley for mayor of Cleveland

PRESS RELEASE — On  Aug. 13, 2021, Dan and Dona Brady and Brian Mooney, Ward 11 Councilman, announced their endorsement of Kevin J. Kelley for Mayor of Cleveland. All three leaders cited Kevin Kelley’s experience, ability to get things done and his vision for the future of Cleveland as some of the reasons they have endorsed him to be Cleveland’s next mayor.

“As public servants for many years, Dan, Dona and Brian know what it takes to fight for the best interests of the people,” said Kevin Kelley, regarding the Bradys’ and Mooney’s endorsements. “They know what it takes to lead, especially in challenging times, and I appreciate their willingness to vouch for me, my character, my work ethic, and my ability to get things done on behalf of the people of Cleveland.

In discussing his support for Kevin Kelley, Dan Brady focused on the importance of this election and electing the right person for the job. “It’s time for those of us who live in Cleveland to get serious about the mayor’s election,” said Dan Brady, former Cuyahoga County Council President, State Senator, State Representative, and Cleveland City Council Member. “There is not a question that we have the most talented and experienced candidate in Kevin. He’s ready to do this job.”

As Cleveland City Council President for the last seven years, Kevin Kelley has worked side-by-side with his colleagues to help bring investment to neighborhoods across the city, improve city services for all Cleveland residents and tackle challenging issues like infant mortality and racism as a public health crisis.

Dona Brady, who also represented Ward 11 on Cleveland City Council, called out Kevin Kelley’s willingness to work with his colleagues on behalf of the people of Cleveland. “I worked with Kevin for 15 years on Council. I was able to get things done in my ward because Kevin would help me fight for it,” said Dona Brady. “Kevin’s experience at City Hall makes him the clear choice. He is not walking in and having to learn on the job.”

In his role as Finance Committee Chair, Kelley is responsible for ensuring City Council passes a balanced budget, which requires deep knowledge of how all city departments operate. This knowledge and experience gained over the past 16 years as a member of council have helped shape Kelley’s vision for the future and a blueprint for achieving that vision.

Current Ward 11 Council Member Brian Mooney pointed to Kelley’s plans for the future, including efforts to improve public safety and reduce crime, as a key reason he is endorsing Kelley for Mayor of Cleveland. “I’m supporting Kevin because of his vision for strong neighborhood policing,” said Mooney. “Kevin’s plan to implement Neighborhood Safety Centers will help address our residents’ concerns and help build trust in our community. We believe in Cleveland, and we believe in Kevin.”

Dan and Dona Brady and Brian Mooney join Kevin Kelley’s growing list of supporters:

  • Mayor Frank G. Jackson
  • Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael O’Malley
  • Cuyahoga County Council Member Yvonne Conwell
  • Cleveland City Council Member Kevin Conwell
  • The Association of Cleveland Firefighters IAFF Local 93
  • Plumbers Union Local 55
  • Pipefitters Local Union 120
  • Cleveland Building & Construction Trades Council and their affiliated unions:
    • Boilermakers Local 744
    • Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 5
    • Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 16
    • Carpenters Local 373
    • Carpenters Local 435
    • Cement Masons Local 404
    • Electrical Workers Local 38
    • Electrical Workers Local 673
    • Elevator Constructors Local 17
    • Glaziers Local 181
    • Heat & Frost Insulators Local 3
    • Iron Workers Local 17
    • Laborers Local 245
    • Laborers Local 310
    • Millwright Pile Driver Local 1090
    • Plasterers Local 526 (formerly Plasterers Local 31)
    • Roofers & Waterproofers Local 44
    • Sheet Metal Workers Local 33
    • Sign, Display & Allied Trades Local 639
    • Teamsters Local 407
    • Teamsters Local 436
    • Tile Layers Local 36

For more information about Kevin J. Kelley’s Cleveland Jobs Now plan and position on supporting working familiesending the digital divideeducating and training residents for careers that pay well enough to support their families and ensuring every neighborhood is healthy, strong and safe, visit and follow @kevinkelleyCLE on Twitter.

Ohio Young Democrats endorse Justin Bibb for mayor


Justin Bibb receives statewide endorsement expanding grassroots coalition 

The Ohio Young Democrats today announced their endorsement of 34-year-old Justin Bibb for Mayor of Cleveland.

“We’re proud to endorse and fully support Justin Bibb as Cleveland’s next Mayor. Justin Bibb brings new energy, leadership, and experience to spark real change in Cleveland, Northeast Ohio and across the state,” said Ohio Young Democrats’ President Chris Anderson.

“As a young Democrat, I’m focused on building a new grassroots coalition in Cleveland centered on putting people and neighborhoods first. Since the campaign’s launch in January, we have recruited nearly 1,500 volunteers and 100 students from across the region to join Students For Bibb, a youth-led coalition born right here in Cleveland to bring real change,” said Justin Bibb.

“I’m proud to receive the endorsement of the Ohio Young Democrats. Young people have powered our campaign, mobilized new voters and ignited an uprising of civic activism in local politics,” said Bibb.

“I want to be a mayor that excites the next generation of young people to stay in Cleveland and build a life here and getting involved in this election is the best way to shape the future we all deserve,” he added. 

Schedule unveiled for virtual Cleveland Book Week 2021; hour-long Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards show to air on WVIZ/PBS

86th class of winners to be featured in documentary-style production


The Cleveland Foundation today announced the schedule for the sixth annual Cleveland Book Week. This year’s showcase – expanded beyond its usual timeframe – will celebrate present and past Anisfield-Wolf Book Award (AWBA) winners over the distinguished 86-year history of the award. The week’s far-ranging programs will all have virtual options and nearly all are free to the community.

Anchoring the events is “The 86th Annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards,” a crisp, beautiful documentary hosted by AWBA Chair Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. It debuts at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 14, on WVIZ/PBS and throughout Ohio’s public television network. The book awards remain the only national juried prize for literature that confronts racism and explores human diversity. The 2021 honorees are:

Vincent Brown, “Tacky’s Revolt: The Story of An Atlantic Slave War,” co-winner, Nonfiction
Victoria Chang, “Obit,” Poetry
Samuel R. Delany, Lifetime Achievement
James McBride, “Deacon King Kong,” Fiction
Natasha Trethewey, “Memorial Drive,” co-winner, Nonfiction

“We are thrilled to renew our partnership with Ideastream Public Media to give lovers of the written word this fresh and timely documentary,” said Karen R. Long, who manages the awards for the Cleveland Foundation. “It gives viewers entree into the insights of five unparalleled writers, who, in this era of global racial awakening, can spark our humanity and help reforge our civic purpose.”

The Cleveland Foundation and Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards are presenting Cleveland Book Week in partnership with the Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF), Cleveland Public Library, the Cleveland State University Poetry Center, The City Club of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County Public Library, the Great Lakes African American Writers Conference and Ursuline College.

For more information on Cleveland Book Week (#CBW2021) and the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards (#AWBA2021), visit

Events scheduled for Cleveland Book Week 2021 include (visit the website for the latest updates):

Tuesday, Sept. 14

Ideastream Public Media PBS documentary: “The 86th Annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards”
9 p.m. on WVIZ/PBS, concurrent with website streaming and other PBS broadcasts
The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards recognize books that have made important contributions to our understanding of racism and human diversity. It remains the only American book prize focusing on works that address racism and equity. For more than 80 years, the distinguished books earning Anisfield-Wolf prizes have opened and challenged our minds.
For more information:

Monday, Sept. 27

A conversation with Mira Jacob
7 p.m., Cuyahoga County Public Library (virtual conversation)
Presented as part of the “Beyond the Book Jacket” series, Jacob is the author of “Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations” and the critically acclaimed novel “The Sleepwalker’s Guide to Dancing.”
For more information:

CIFF Streams + AWBA
11 a.m.-11 p.m., “End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock” (virtual viewing)
A group of indigenous women risk their lives to stop the Dakota Access oil pipeline construction that desecrated their ancient burial and prayer sites and threatens their land, water, and very existence.
For more information:

Tuesday, Sept. 28

CIFF Streams + AWBA
11 a.m.-11 p.m., “Down a Dark Stairwell” (virtual viewing)
A Chinese American cop shoots and kills an innocent Black man; suddenly two marginalized communities must navigate an uneven criminal justice system together.
For more information:

Wednesday, Sept. 29

CIFF Streams + AWBA
11 a.m.-11 p.m., “Voodoo Macbeth” (virtual viewing)
In 1936 Harlem, the first all-Black cast production of “Macbeth” struggles to make it to opening night amid the downward spiral of their young and untested director – Orson Welles. Feature film.
For more information:

Ayana Gray presented by the Cleveland Public Library
6:30 p.m., Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (39000 Wildlife Way, Cleveland, OH 44109; virtual option also available)
Gray, the author of highly acclaimed Young Adult novel “Beasts of Prey,” discusses her work in the breathtaking Rainforest at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. “Beasts of Prey” is the much-anticipated series opener revealing the fate which binds two Black teenagers as they strike a dangerous alliance to hunt down the ancient creature menacing their home—and discover much more than they bargained for.
For more information:

Richard Powers: The William N. Skirball Writers Center Stage Series
7:30 p.m., Maltz Performing Arts Center (1855 Ansel Rd., Cleveland, OH 44106, virtual option also available)
The Writers Center Stage Series is presented by the Cuyahoga County Public Library Foundation and Case Western Reserve University. Richard Powers, the prolific writer and award-winning author of 12 novels, is known for his exploration of modern science and technology. Power’s “The Overstory” won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. His new novel is “Bewildered.” For more information:

Thursday, Sept. 30

CIFF Streams + AWBA
11 a.m.-11 p.m., “The 86th Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards” (virtual viewing)
The 86th Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards is a crisp, beautiful documentary hosted by AWBA Chair Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. It features the recipients of the only national juried prize for literature that confronts racism and explores human diversity. Sample the insights, and exquisite writing, of the five 2021 winners, delivered in their own voices.
For more information:

Friday, Oct. 1

CIFF Streams + AWBA
11 a.m.-11 p.m., “Apart” (virtual viewing)
In the Midwest, against the backdrop of the opioid epidemic and rising incarceration rates, three women face the challenges of mothering their children from prison and preparing to reunite with their families and rebuild after years of separation.
For more information:

CIFF Streams + AWBA Shorts Program 1
11 a.m.-11 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 3, Eight different shorts (virtual viewing)
For more information:

CIFF Streams + AWBA Shorts Program 2
11 a.m.-11 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 3, Eight different shorts (virtual viewing)
For more information:

Saturday, Oct. 2

CIFF Streams + AWBA
11 a.m.-11 p.m., “Best Summer Ever” (virtual viewing)
A fresh and exhilarating take on the beloved teen musical genre featuring eight original songs and a fully integrated cast and crew of people with and without disabilities. Feature film.
For more information:
For a version of “Best Summer Ever” that contains an audio description for the visually impaired:

Deesha Philyaw Langston Hughes Literary Keynote
11 a.m., Great Lakes African American Writers Conference (virtual conversation)
Philyaw’s debut short story collection, “The Secret Lives of Church Ladies,” won the 2021 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, the 2020/2021 Story Prize, and a 2020 LA Times Book Prize: The Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction; the collection was also a finalist for the 2020 National Book Award for Fiction. Join the three-day GLAAW conference, where literary creatives from throughout the Great Lakes region will gather virtually to learn from and network with influential publishing industry professionals from hubs including New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.
For more information:

Sunday, Oct. 3

CIFF Streams + AWBA
11 a.m.-11 p.m., “Landfall” (virtual viewing)
After the landfall of Hurricane María in 2017, Puerto Rico grapples with a devastated infrastructure and multi-billion-dollar debt as outside investors descend—not to bail out communities, but to cash in. Set against the backdrop of protests that toppled the US colony’s governor in 2019, “Landfall” shares kaleidoscopic glimpses of collective trauma and resistance.
For more information:

Friday, Oct. 15

NEOMFA Reading Series: Victoria Chang (2021 AWBA Poetry Winner) & Shane McCrae (2018 AWBA Poetry Winner)
7 p.m., Northeast Ohio Master of Fine Arts Reading Series (virtual conversation)
Join the NEOMFA Reading Series for a reading, conversation, and Q&A featuring a pair of Anisfield-Wolf winning poets. Chang won this year for “Obit,” while McCrae was the 2018 winner for “In the Language of My Captor.” Chang wrote the introduction to the new edition of “Mule,” McCrae’s first poetry collection.
For more information:

Thursday, Oct. 28

Natasha Trethewey (2021 AWBA Nonfiction Co-Winner) leads a conversation of “Memorial Drive”
Noon, Ursuline College (virtual conversation)
Join the campus-wide read of former U.S. Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey’s “Memorial Drive,” praised as an instant classic. The memoir explores her mother’s life and death and the abiding tie between the two women. Trethewey writes of how her mother came to die at the hands of a former husband when the author was 19, as well as the Mississippi context that formed and informed both women.
For more information:

Tuesday, Nov. 16

War and Empire: The world-wide reverberations of Jamaica’s 18th century slave revolts
Noon, The City Club of Cleveland (virtual conversation)
Novelist Marlon James (2015 AWBA Fiction Winner) and historian Vincent Brown (2021 AWBA Nonfiction Co-Winner) will crack open their ideas in a unique conversation centered on Jamaica. The island is a lynchpin in world history, and a wellspring of world culture. Both men won an Anisfield-Wolf Book Award in this vein: James in 2015 for “A Brief History of Seven Killings” and Brown this year for “Tacky’s Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War.”
For more information:

Councilman Kerry McCormack endorses Justin Bibb for mayor


Ward 3 City Councilman Kerry McCormack endorsed Justin Bibb for Mayor of Cleveland today ahead of the primary election next week. McCormack has known Bibb for years and shares many of the same priorities from transforming management at the West Side Market to breaking Cleveland Public Power’s 50-year contract with American Municipal Power.

“I have known Justin for nearly a decade and seen his dedication to Cleveland as an active civic 

leader fighting for affordable public transit, criminal justice reform and high-quality public education. Justin Bibb is a forward-thinking leader and I’m proud to give him my endorsement and full support,” said McCormack.

“Our city is at a defining moment. We can drive Cleveland in reverse, stay in neutral or begin to move forward. I believe Justin Bibb is the mayor to lead us into the future,” said McCormack in his official endorsement. 

“Residents are tired of waiting on City Hall. We need a mayor who will lead with urgency, question the way things have been done in the past and push us forward into the future and Justin Bibb is that leader,” he added.

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of Councilman McCormack. We have developed a strong relationship over the years and I look forward to working with him and City Council,” said Bibb.

“Councilman McCormack has been outspoken on Cleveland Public Power and fighting for cheaper bills, reliable service and cleaner power. I look forward to creating a culture inside City Hall that embraces his innovative ideas to address these longstanding issues,” Bibb said. 

“This is such a major, positive endorsement. With your votes, Kerry and I can do the hard work to bring you safe and strong neighborhoods, better law enforcement, equal justice, excellent public schools, and high paying jobs to every part of our city. Our moment has arrived. Vote for change on September 14. We’ll be grateful for your support, and we’ll use it to deliver real change and fast-paced progress that Cleveland wants and needs.”

Justin Bibb received Councilman McCormack’s endorsement at the West Side Market in Ward 3, one of the fastest growing wards in the city. 

Neighborhood Family Practice names VP of Marketing and Communications


Jean Polster, RN, MS, president and chief executive officer of Neighborhood Family Practice (NFP), announced the appointment of Andrea S. Lyons to the position of vice president of marketing and communications effective August 23. In this position, Lyons will provide marketing and strategic communications support for the organization. 

“We are so excited to have Andrea join our team.  Her 30 years of marketing, communications and advertising experience will help us increase visibility of our services and locations to current and prospective patients, as well as other community-based stakeholders and supporters,” Polster says. 

Prior to joining Neighborhood Family Practice, Lyons was the director of race, diversity, equity and inclusion for United Way of Greater Cleveland. In that role, she was responsible for developing and executing diversity and inclusion programs for staff and was instrumental in the launch of United Way’s Community Conversations on police reform in Cleveland. 

Lyons has held various marketing and communications roles throughout her career, including director of marketing and strategic communications at United Way of Greater Cleveland; marketing and strategic planning for nonprofit and for-profit organizations at The Impact Group; marketing director for Medina County Economic Development Corporation; and senior group marketing manager for GTE, AT&T and Verizon. 

Lyons earned her Bachelor of Arts in political science at Rutgers University and Master of Business Administration from New York University – Stern School of Business. 

“Having Andrea join Neighborhood Family Practice speaks to our continued commitment to social and racial justice and our priority to communicate the health care services we provide for the community through a lens of equity, dignity and respect,” Polster says.

(Photo of Andrea Lyons also submitted)


About Neighborhood Family Practice

Founded in 1980 in response to a concern that residents of Cleveland’s near west side lacked access to primary health care, Neighborhood Family Practice focuses on providing high quality primary care in the patient’s neighborhood setting. Today, its seven public-transit friendly locations offer same-day appointments to a service area that spans twelve neighborhoods across Cleveland’s west side and Lakewood.  Neighborhood Family Practice serves a highly diverse mix of residents with a mission of partnering with the community for everyone’s best health. Accredited by The Joint Commission and designated as a Patient-Centered Medical Home, Neighborhood Family Practice provides primary care, women’s health and midwifery services, behavioral health, pharmacy, dental and case management appointments to more than 21,000 patients at its combined locations. For more information, visit

Mayoral candidate Justin Bibb meets and greets West Park residents

Mayoral candidate Justin Bibb meets with West Park residents

By Jerry Masek

(Photo by Dawn Tarka for the West Park Times)

About 30 persons attended a Meet and Greet Aug. 26 for Mayoral candidate Justin Bibb.

The event was arranged by two West Park supporters.

Bibb has appeared at more than 200 such events since he announced his candidacy July 12.

He spoke for 22 minutes, and answered questions for 28 minutes. He talked his background and these issues:* His first action as Mayor will be to do a “top down” audit of City departments, to see where improvements are most needed.*

He wants to play an active role in recruiting more police. His father was a policeman. Much of his presentation focused on improving public safety.* His Cabinet would be “an All-Star team.”

He said there are “many fine employees” at City Hall, and he wants to retain them.* A former Board member at RTA, he wants to meet with RTA, and city and county officials, to explore more ways to increase revenue for public transit.* Money from the balance at Cleveland Public Power should be used to make the system more reliable. Two recent outages by CPP hurt many vendors at the popular West Side Market.

Bibb is one of seven candidates in the non-partisan primary Sept. 14. Early voting has begun. The top two candidates will face off in November.

Grab your chalk!The Cleveland Museum of Art to host 32nd Annual Chalk Festival

The Cleveland Museum of Art Hosts the 32nd Annual Chalk Festival

A family-friendly day to enjoy sidewalk art inspired by Italian Renaissance tradition


The Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) will host the 2021 Chalk Festival in person Saturday, Sept. 11, noon to 5 p.m., rain or shine. The festival features sidewalk paintings by professional chalk artists and local community groups, families and individuals. This year, the community is invited to take part in a featured chalk drawing by artist Bruno Casiano and make it come alive with color.

Participants will have an opportunity to showcase their own art on the museum’s south plaza and throughout the pathways that wind through the Fine Arts Garden and down to Wade Lagoon. Squares and boxes of chalk are available for $10 with on-site, day-of registration (supplies limited). The Chalk Festival is free to visitors wishing to enjoy the artists’ work and listen to live music by Outlaws I & I.

Photo: David Brichford, courtesy of the Cleveland Museum of Art


About the Cleveland Museum of Art

The Cleveland Museum of Art is renowned for the quality and breadth of its collection, which includes more than 63,000 artworks and spans 6,000 years of achievement in the arts. The museum is a significant international forum for exhibitions, scholarship and performing arts and is a leader in digital innovations. One of the top comprehensive art museums in the nation, recognized for its award-winning Open Access program and free of charge to all, the Cleveland Museum of Art is located in the University Circle neighborhood.

The museum is supported in part by residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture and made possible in part by the Ohio Arts Council (OAC), which receives support from the State of Ohio and the National Endowment for the Arts. The OAC is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally and economically. For more information about the museum and its holdings, programs and events, call 888-CMA-0033 or visit

Seeing any monarch butterflies yet?

monarch migration cleveland ohio 2021

Monarch butterflies are orange in appearance with black-lined wings and white spots.

Each year, it takes around three to four generations of monarch butterflies to make their way from their winter home in Mexico, to where they breed in North America and Canada – a journey said to span more than 2,000 miles.

Luckily, for those of us residing in Cuyahoga County, we get to catch a glimpse of this fantastic and phenomenal migration.

According to the National Park Service, those found in our area are from the third generation of monarchs.

“As the air warms in early March, monarchs become more active and leave the protection of the oyamel fir forests to head north, mate, and seek the nearest milkweed fields to lay their eggs. These offspring are Generation 1. Monarchs follow specific routes, called flyways – one of which stretches to the Great Lakes. Generations 1 and 2 journey progressively north: mating, laying eggs, and dying along the way…” SOURCE

Local cartoonist Dean Norman illustrates such a migration with a Cleveland-twist, here.