Mayor-Elect Bibb Appoints Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Administrative Officer


On Monday, Dec. 27, Mayor-Elect Justin Bibb announced Bradford Davy as Chief Strategy Officer and Elise Hara Auvil as Chief Administrative Officer, both are newly designed positions replacing the role of Chief of Staff.   

“Throughout the campaign, we created a vision for Cleveland that came directly from stakeholder input. We simply have to reimagine our organizational structure to build our reimagined City. With leaders focused on the long-range vision, and on the immediate needs, we can achieve more,” comments Mayor-Elect Bibb. 

The Chief Strategy Officer is responsible for advancing the Mayor’s vision and strategic goals across all departments of the administration. As a senior advisor to the Mayor, Mr. Davy will provide counsel on a wide range of highly complex, sensitive issues and act as an accessible and visible ambassador from the mayor’s office. The CSO will lead the team charged with moving forward promises made during the campaign, including initiatives to address racial equity, lead, the West Side Market, arts and culture and more. 

Bradford Davy is an experienced government affairs professional, most recently serving as the Director Regional Engagement at The Fund for Our Economic Future where headvised local and national leaders on complex economic issues to inform policy decisions and translate concepts into practical solutions. He also previously served at the International Project Manager for Camcode Global, and as a Research and Policy Analyst for the Center for Community Solutions. 

Mr. Davy holds a bachelor’s degree from University of Toledo and a Master’s of Science in Urban Studies from Cleveland State University. 

The Chief Administration Officer will manage the day-to-day operations of the mayor’s office, including developing and managing the mayor’s office budget. Responsibilities of the CAO are broad in scope and require a high degree of seasoned government experience and discretion. As CAO, Ms. Hara Auvil will supervise the mayor’s staff, manage cabinet meetings and provide critical briefings to the mayor.  

Elise Hara Auvil has dedicated the majority of her career working for government and nonprofit entities. A graduate of Case Western Reserve University Law School, she worked for Cleveland Legal Aid during law school and began her legal career as an Assistant Public Defender in Philadelphia.  

Mrs. Auvil is specialized in human resources and employment law and has served as Associate Counsel for the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA), General Counsel for Eliza Jennings Senior Care Network, and Director of Human Resources and Employment Counsel for Cuyahoga County. She most recently served the City of Westlake as the Human Resources Manager. 

Bradford Davy and Elise Hara Auvil will take the official oath of office on January 3, 2022. 

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