New poll indicates Trump trails Biden in Ohio

Ohio statewide voting collaboration, Your Voice Ohio, voting poll

Liz Skalka

The Blade

A new poll that shows President Donald Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in Ohio also reveals that Mr. Biden’s “strong” supporters here outnumber Mr. Trump’s, a snapshot of the state less than 100 days from an election that will determine whether Ohio continues its unmatched swing-state streak.

The poll also revealed the issues motivating each candidates’ backers: Mr. Biden’s identified coronavirus as their top concern, while Mr. Trump’s said it was the economy in a year defined by a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, and a reckoning over racial justice.

Conducted online between June 24 and July 15, the survey of 1,037 registered voters showed Mr. Biden leading Mr. Trump 46 to 42 percent, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

The poll was commissioned for Your Voice Ohio’s Election 2020 project, which explores the complexity of the state’s nearly 12 million residents through community engagement, data analysis, and collaborative reporting. It was conducted jointly by the Center for Marketing and Opinion Research in Akron and the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron.

John Green, director emeritus of the Bliss Institute, said the results reinforce that Ohio is still attainable for Democrats and shouldn’t be written off as a battleground just because Mr. Trump in 2016 came away with an 8-percentage-point win in Ohio, which for decades has mirrored the national vote.

Ohio has the longest winning streak in the nation, picking the victor in every presidential election since 1964.

“No Republican has ever been elected or reelected in American history without carrying Ohio, so there’s a particular burden on Trump and his allies and supporters to compete effectively in Ohio,” Mr. Green said. “These numbers forecast a very competitive race in the state.”

Your Voice Ohio’s poll is consistent with recent surveys from other organizations that show a close race here as both campaigns enter the final stretch with a playbook rewritten by coronavirus. But researchers caution against reading too much into Mr. Biden’s early lead.

“With this much happening in our society, the numbers go back and forth, especially with Ohio,” said Michelle Henry, president of the Center for Marketing and Opinion Research. “In some states it’s going to be clear. In Ohio, it’s just not going to be.

“Even though 2016 went widely for Trump, there was quite some time when it went back and forth until it became very red.”

The researchers said the survey offers two main views: a snapshot of candidate preferences subject to change over the next three months, and insight into what issues are top of mind for voters, a metric that’s more likely to remain consistent until November.

Voters who backed Mr. Trump ranked the economy as their top issue, followed by coronavirus and health care. For Mr. Biden, it was coronavirus, the economy, and health care for all respondents besides the strongest supporters, who ranked health care second.

The 6 percent of undecided voters surveyed aligned with Mr. Trump’s backers on their top issues. Another 6 percent who said they are likely to vote for a candidate other than Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden cited the economy, coronavirus, racism, and social services.

Mr. Biden’s strongest backers also cited racism, criminal justice, and the environment as priorities, while Mr. Trump’s chose education, foreign affairs, infrastructure, and immigration.

Strikingly, the poll also revealed an enthusiasm gap between Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Trump’s supporters. Nearly 31 percent said they strongly supported Mr. Biden, versus 26 percent for Mr. Trump. The percentage of moderate and weak support for both candidates was roughly the same.

Mr. Green attributed the result to greater support in general for Mr. Biden, saying it bodes well for the former vice president in the long run. 

“People with strong preferences are much less likely to change their preference … so the strength of preference really matters,” Mr. Green said.

This particular survey didn’t offer respondents the opportunity to explain their preferences, he said, or the ability to cite anti-Trump sentiment as a reason for backing Mr. Biden.

“Some of the other polls in Ohio and elsewhere have shown that a lot of people say their primary reason that they’re backing Biden is because they don’t like Trump. And some people take that to be evidence of a lack of enthusiasm,” he said. “For some people, maybe it is. But you can be really unhappy with Trump and still have a strong preference for Biden.”

Your Voice Ohio’s poll also broke the results down by region.

Mr. Biden leads in northeast Ohio (51 to 35 percent), the state’s most Democratic region, and by smaller margins in central (48 to 39 percent) and southwest Ohio (46 to 42 percent).

Mr. Trump is ahead in the northwest (53 to 35 percent), where Toledo is firmly blue but the surrounding rural counties are heavily red, and the southeast (53 to 33 percent).

Another finding that researchers noted is Biden supporters reported following the 2020 campaign more closely than Trump supporters.

Kyle Bozentko, executive director of the Jefferson Center, a nonprofit that promotes civic engagement and sponsors Your Voice Ohio, said based on several voter engagement sessions conducted across the state, people appear more concerned about issues than the 2020 horse race.

“While the presidential campaign guides everything in what we see and consume, there is so much else happening that the urgency and level of importance of the presidential election itself kind of falls out of the picture,” he said.

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the results were outside the margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Liz Skalka is politics reporter for The Blade of Toledo. She can be emailed at Voice Ohio is the country’s largest statewide media collaborative with a mission to represent the diverse voices of the state and the issues people identify as important. More than 60 news outlets have participated since its founding in 2015. Funding for the election project comes from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Democracy Fund and Facebook.

The West Park Times is a partner in the Your Voice Ohio media project — the largest statewide media collaborative in the country.

Rep. Sweeney’s statement on anniversary of Dayton shooting

Calls Republican inaction on commonsense gun safety unconscionable


State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Cleveland) today issued a statement on the one-year anniversary of a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, which left nine dead and 17 wounded.

“My heart still aches for the souls we lost in Dayton last year from senseless gun violence. When the victims’ families and countless others demanded that we do something, they didn’t mean just anything: they meant real, commonsense gun safety reforms,” said Rep. Sweeney. “I heard those calls for change and introduced HB 316 to create an Extreme Risk Protection Order that respects due process while stopping preventable gun violence. While other states have shown that this measure saves lives and the majority of Ohioans support it, it’s deeply unfortunate that the Ohio Legislature is so insulated from public opinion that the GOP Majority has refused this legislation a single hearing in the 363 days since I introduced it.”

Democrats have continually pushed for commonsense gun reforms, including:

  • House Bill (HB) 316 (Russo/Sweeney): Extreme Risk Protection Orders;
  • HB 240 (Miranda/Kelly): The Child Access Prevention Act, which would ensure firearms are stored safely and securely out of the reach of minors;
  • HB 317 (Robinson/Miller): universal background checks;
  • HB 315 (Liston): Provide mental health and suicide prevention information at the purchase site;
  • HB 319 (West/Miller): Restore local control so that everyday Ohioans can decide what commonsense safety solutions work for their community;
  • HB 320 (West): Prohibit the sale of a gun if the background check is pending;
  • HB 335 (Lepore-Hagan/Boyd): Require subject of certain protection orders to surrender firearms;
  • HB 348 (Miller): Prohibit a person subject to a protection order from purchasing or receiving a firearm for the duration of the order;
  • HB 349 (Weinstein): Ban possession of high-capacity magazines;
  • HB 647 (Strahorn): Prohibits manufacture/sales of high capacity magazines;
  • HB 658 (Galonski): Train school employees if authorized to carry firearms in schools.

None of the Democratic gun safety bills have been called for a committee vote.

Meanwhile, House Republicans have prioritized legislation opponents say will make Ohioans less safe, including the kill at will bill and legislation to eliminate the duty to notify law enforcement of a concealed weapon, which passed the House in June.

CLASH offers brochure covering lead, nutrition to at risk Cleveland families

Cleveland Lead Advocates for Safe Housing (CLASH) is distributing a new brochure on Lead and Nutrition


Cleveland Lead Advocates for Safe Housing (CLASH) is distributing a new brochure on Lead and Nutrition through local hunger centers this summer. The brochure gives simple, clear information on how a child’s diet can help mitigate the damage of lead exposure.

While there is no safe level of lead exposure, caregivers can select foods that are high
in calcium, iron and vitamin C to strengthen a child’s body against environmental lead
from paint dust or soil.

The brochure also reinforces the message that children under the age of six should be
tested for lead exposure on a regular basis. Routine testing during pediatric visits only
reaches about half of the “at risk” children in Cleveland. Caregivers are urged to ask
for lead testing at least by the first birthday and again at age 2 checkups.
Cleveland’s Lead Safe Certificate law won’t begin to require landlords to make rental
properties until March of 2021 and there’s no plan for enforcement of the law until 2023.

In the meantime, wise dietary choices can make a difference.

CLASH president Yvonka M. Hall expresses thanks to Northeast Ohio Coalition for the
Homeless (NEOCH) Mutual Aid Fund for paying for printing the brochure. NEOCH is a member of the CLASH coalition. CLASH also thanks the hundreds of volunteers who
are putting the brochure inside of emergency food bags being supplied around the Cleveland’s neighborhoods.

COVID-19 complaints, Operation Legend, and more news from the City of Cleveland

Mayor Frank Jackson Covid updates, calls, Operation Legend, Cleveland, OH, 2020

From Mayor Jackson’s newsletter covering the City of Cleveland:

“”The City of Cleveland will continue to partner with federal law enforcement agencies to combat violent crime in our neighborhoods within the realm of constitutional policing,” said Mayor Jackson. “Residents and their families have a right to feel safe and be safe in their own communities. Coordinated efforts between local, state and federal law enforcement agencies will allow us to more effectively address and reduce violent crimes in Cleveland neighborhoods to build a safer Cleveland for all.”

·       Click here to view the release from the Department of Justice

·       Click here to watch the press conference Mayor Jackson held last week

·       Click here to watch today’s press conference with the DOJ

City of Cleveland Statement on Upcoming Presidential Debate

“The City of Cleveland was informed that Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) were looking to host the first presidential debate and received confirmation of the selection prior to the announcement. While we were informed, we were not a part of the planning process and refer all requests regarding the details to both the Clinic and CWRU. The City of Cleveland looks forward to working with its partners, the Cleveland Clinic and CWRU, on the next steps in hosting the first presidential debate in Cleveland. When we have more details to report, we will share those in our daily media update.”

The City of Cleveland Releases CDPH COVID-19 Non-Compliance Report

CDPH continues to monitor COVID-19 non-compliance complaints. Since March 20, 2020 through July 29, 2020, CDPH has received 2,512 COVID-19 non-compliance complaints. To date, CDPH has received 1010 mass gathering non-compliance allegations, 794 mask non-compliance allegations and 430 social distancing non-compliance allegations in the City of Cleveland. To view and download CDPH’s COVID-19 non-compliance report, click here.

Note: The City of Cleveland will begin to share this report each week in its daily media update.

Middle Neighborhoods Presentation Released

In 2019 the City of Cleveland partnered with the Cleveland Foundation to launch the Middle Neighborhoods Initiative (MNI).  This work focuses on communities within Cleveland that are historically stable but teeter on the edge of distress. These “middle neighborhoods” are areas with unique challenges that must be addressed with specific policy interventions, new mechanisms for investment, and efforts to promote the high quality of life families or individuals can find locally.

In 2020 the MNI partnered with Case Western Reserve University to develop a citywide analysis tool capable of showing practitioners and policymakers which areas in the city will see the greatest impact through investment. Using this tool, MNI continues to develop a toolkit of policies and interventions that can stabilize and grow the middle neighborhoods of Cleveland.

Recently, the presentation here was shared at a Cleveland City Council Committee meeting.

Calls Regarding COVID-19 Complaints
With the passage yesterday by Cleveland City Council of an ordinance authorizing penalties for non-compliance with Mayor Jackson’s mask mandate, enforcement is now in effect.

There are two numbers Clevelanders should call regarding non-compliance:

·       Business complaints: CDPH hotline at 216-857-7165

·       Individual or private residence complaints: Cleveland Police non-emergency line at 216-621-1234

Cleveland City Council recently approved the mandatory use of masks in public spaces as well as certain penalties for individuals and businesses that do not comply. On July 3, Mayor Jackson signed an amended order mandating the use of masks in public in the City of Cleveland to slow the spread of the highly contagious coronavirus. This includes mandatory use in bars, restaurants, shared office settings, rideshares and other shared spaces.

Citations may be issued with fines for the following:

·       Any business or person violating the mask or safe-seating order (which maintains social distancing of at least six feet between patrons) is subject to civil penalties. In accordance with Ordinance No. 556-2020, specifically chapters 602 and 236.

·       Any business in the City of Cleveland with an employee who becomes ill with the coronavirus is required to immediately disinfect and sanitize the premises. Following a warning, they may be subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 for the first offense and a civil penalty of $3,000 for each subsequent violation.

The Cleveland Museum of Art Presents MIX: Viva

The Cleveland Museum of Art Presents MIX: Viva

Free virtual event celebrates Latin culture and features a digital dance fiesta


Virtual MIX at CMA returns Friday, Aug. 7, from 8 to 9 p.m. Celebrate the diverse sights and sounds of Latin culture in honor of the current exhibition A Graphic Revolution: Prints and Drawings in Latin America.

DJ Cause&Effect will spin contemporary and classic Latin hits (salsa, bachata, merengue and reggaeton). Texas-based artist Michael Menchaca, whose work is on view in A Graphic Revolution, presents a selection of original party visuals. Menchaca’s video art combines imagery from video games with ancient Maya texts to explore Latinx identities in a contemporary landscape. The event also features salsa and Afro-Caribbean dance basics with dance group Caribe Conexión. The night begins with an original poetic response to artist Belkis Ayón’s print I Always Return, on view in the exhibition, by actor-poet Andrew Aaron Valdez, host of Voces Fuertes Open Mic, Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center.

Get ready for the event with a virtual MIX: Viva kit featuring a Spotify playlist created by DJ Cause&Effect, a list of local Latinx-owned restaurants, instructional dance videos from Caribe Conexión, artist bios and downloadable Zoom backgrounds.

Share your photos of your MIX vibe using #MIXatCMA and #museumfromhome.

About Graphic Revolution: Prints and Drawings in Latin America

This is the first exhibition to highlight the museum’s collection of works on paper produced in Latin America over the past century. Representing a wide range of countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba and Mexico, the works survey how artists have explored national and cultural identity during periods of political upheaval and dramatic social change. 

Curator Britany Salsbury discusses several works from the exhibition in the museum’s “On View Now” video series.

The CMA is a leader in the use of technology to enhance visitor experience both on-site and online.

MIX: Viva and “On View Now” are part of the museum’s free dynamic digital initiative Home Is Where the Art Is, which showcases the museum’s globally recognized digital resources and features a variety of newly created fun and engaging programs for people of all ages. With this initiative, the CMA has leveraged technology to bring works of art to people, responding to changing needs in new, enriching and innovative ways. These sustainable digital experiences will continue now that the museum has reopened. 

How to Join MIX: Viva:

Zoom (with “dance cam”) Join the party through Zoom for a chance to be featured in a live “dance cam” that will spontaneously occur throughout the hour. A link to join will be posted to or on the museum’s Facebook page. You can also send an email (subject line: “MIX: Viva”) to to receive a link in your inbox.

Facebook Watch live on the CMA’s Facebook page from your smartphone, iPad or computer.

NOTE: Virtual MIX parties are both pet- and child-friendly.

Upcoming Virtual Events

Desktop Dialogues

Wednesdays at noon

Instructions for Joining

Join CMA curators, educators and other invited guests in a live online discussion about works in the collection that address issues people are facing today. Participate in the conversation by making comments or asking questions.

Re-visioning Art and History 
Wednesday, Aug. 5 at noon

At this moment, engaged citizens across the world are questioning the systems, structures and values that museums are built upon. Join Andrew Cappetta and Key Jo Lee to discuss how these much-needed critiques will inform CMA programs like Desktop Dialogues and Close Looking at a Distance, explore objects that reshape what is known about art and museums including Fred Wilson’s To Die upon a Kiss, and learn the value of adopting multiple perspectives to understand works of art. 

Starting at 12:30 p.m., all participants are welcome to continue the conversation and interact in an informal, live Zoom video conference meeting. A link to join this additional discussion will be provided during the program. 

The Cleveland Museum of Art would like to thank Chase Private Client for their generous support of MIX: Viva.

Image by Michael Menchaca

Access to’s content limited beginning tomorrow, requesting support

An excerpt from’s newsletter (signed by Chris Quinn):

“If you’ve never been in a debate with columnist Ted Diadiun, think dog with a bone. When he digs in, there’s no prying that bone loose.

I cannot count the hours I’ve spent going at it with him on whether newspapers erred when they made all of their content free online at the dawn of the Internet. Ted’s thought: Why would any company spend a fortune to produce a high-quality product – our content – and give it away? He says people should pay for things they value.

Come Monday, Ted will get his wish. Partly.

This is about so much more than an academic debate about strategy, though. The simple truth is we need your support to continue producing the journalism you value. Our watchdog reporting. Our bounty of information on surviving the pandemic. Our unique perspectives on your favorite sports teams. Our exclusive take on spending your entertainment dollar.

Ask yourself this: Where did you turn this week when you learned that the speaker of the Ohio House, one of the three most powerful people in the state, appears to be a crook, someone accused of masterminding a $60 million bribery scheme? For many people reading this, I know that answer. You turned to us. 

You turned to us because when big news happens, you turn to the source you trust. Just as you did when the coronavirus became a pandemic.

My asking for your support is about whether you feel reassured by the fact we are here, whether you take solace knowing we care about you and look out for your interests. Do you rely on us to make sure tax dollars are not wasted, to ask the necessary questions of those in power, to keep you informed on what is happening in Northeast Ohio.

If you do, then please help us keep doing it. Please consider subscribing, to our website or to The Plain Dealer. Digital subscriptions to cost $10 a month or $100 for a year. At $100 a year, we are talking less than 28 cents a day. You can sign up here.

Starting Monday, access to some of our journalism will be limited to our digital and print subscribers. You’ve been seeing stories tagged as exclusive on our website for more than a month, and on Monday, we’ll reserve those stories for people who support our work.

Rest assured that most of the content on our site will remain free. Perhaps 10 to 12 stories a day will be tagged for subscribers only. We will experiment to see which stories have the greatest value for paying subscribers. And as we learn which stories our subscribers engage with the most, we will work to expand those offerings… ”

Rep. Sweeney calls for the immediate resignation of Speaker Householder

State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Cleveland) announced today the passage of House Bill (HB) 404

Says ongoing FBI investigation is an unnecessary distraction from the people’s work


State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Cleveland) today called for the resignation of Republican Speaker of the House Larry Householder (R-Glenford) following federal charges that he engaged in a $60 million bribery, racketeering scheme. This is the second FBI investigation into House GOP leadership in three years.

“Larry Householder must resign the Speakership immediately. The staggering allegations against him are an unwelcome distraction from the important work that must be done to serve the people of Ohio during a once-in-a-century pandemic,” said Rep. Sweeney. “Ohio’s nearly two decades of one party rule have culminated in a Republican culture of corruption and the FBI investigation of two GOP Speakers of the House in three years. Ohioans deserve far better, and I am committed to restoring public trust and accountability in our government. If Householder does not resign in the very near future, then I will call upon on my colleagues across the aisle to convene the House and vote him out.”

HB 6 repeal would address only part of Ohio lawmakers’ recent actions to slow renewables

But a complete repeal is needed as a minimum to undo the bill’s gutting of the clean energy standards, advocates say.

By Kathiann M. Kowalski

This article provided by Eye on Ohio, the nonprofit, nonpartisan Ohio Center for Journalism in partnership with the nonprofit Energy News Network. Please join our free mailing list or the mailing list for Energy News as this helps us provide more public service reporting.

Both Republican and Democratic Ohio lawmakers are pushing to repeal the state’s nuclear bailout bill after this week’s release of a federal criminal complaint against House Speaker Larry Householder and others. Clean energy advocates say that would be a start, but more is needed to address eight years of lawmakers’ actions to slow the growth of renewables in the state.

The complaint alleges a $60 million bribery and conspiracy scheme that led to the passage of House Bill 6 last summer, followed by the defeat of a referendum effort to give voters a say on the bill. Amounts involved are about 20 times more than amounts that could be tracked through public documents.

HB 6 is primarily known as a “nuclear bailout” for providing six years of subsidies for the FirstEnergy Solutions/Energy Harbor nuclear power plants in Ohio totaling roughly a billion dollars, but it also gutted the state’s renewable energy and energy efficiency standards, and provided bailouts for two 1950s-era coal plants in Ohio and Indiana.

And while Gov. Mike DeWine has recently shifted his position from defending HB 6 to saying he wants to “repeal and replace” it, legislators from both parties say the whole thing should be thrown out. DeWine has said his office had no involvement in the alleged scheme. Yet he signed the law within hours after Householder secured its passage last summer.

Whether due to actual or perceived corruption, HB 6 “is a corrupt piece of legislation. All of it — not just part of it,” said Rep. Mike Skindell, D-Lakewood. “Therefore, the entire thing needs to be repealed. … That is one step in restoring the confidence of the citizens which was broken because of this corrupt process.”

“Those of us who are free-market conservatives are against the bill. Those of us who care about consumers and predatory pricing are against the bill. And it’s why those of us who want more renewable energy, not less, are against the bill,” said Rep. Laura Lanese, R-Grove City.

“Ohioans deserve an immediate and full repeal of House Bill 6 in order to restore the public’s trust in the legislative process, and also to get Ohio’s clean energy future restarted,” said Miranda Leppla, vice president of energy policy for the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund. “There is simply no room to consider anything less than a full repeal of this bill, as it is corrupt to the very core. Ohio lawmakers should consider what policies are best for Ohioans, without the corrupt influence of pay-to-play politicians and lobbyists working to influence their decisions.”

“I think this fiasco of HB 6 is just symbolic of the pay-to-play culture that has been in operation for a decade or more,” said Steve Melink, founder and CEO of Melink Corporation in Cincinnati. An analysis of lawful, reported campaign contributions from the utility, nuclear and coal industries in Ohio shows substantial increases in election years after a competitive generation market finally began developing in the state.

Efforts to give preferences to FirstEnergy and utility and fossil fuel interests didn’t start with HB 6. Bailout proposals have been on the table since at least 2014. And efforts to limit or repeal Ohio’s clean energy standards have been underway since at least 2012. A 2014 law imposed a two-year “freeze,” and then former Gov. John Kasich vetoed another bill to erode the standards. Other bills for nuclear and fossil subsidies and for weakening the standards were proposed in 2017 and 2018. And then Householder was elected.

HB 6 “was much more than a bailout for uneconomic nuclear and coal plants. It was an attack on renewable energy and energy efficiency that First Energy, and its allies in the legislature, had been pushing for years,” said J.R. Tolbert, managing director for Advanced Energy Economy’s national business group. 

What more is needed?

“Ohio has some fundamental changes that need to be made to get back on track in our fight against climate change,” Leppla said. “These include fixing our wind setbacks, prioritizing efficiency as a money- and energy-saving resource, and fixing our power siting board process to ensure renewables have an even playing field.”

Removing a 2014 provision that tripled property line setbacks for wind turbines “is the very first change that has to happen” after a full repeal of HB 6, said Sandy Buchanan, executive director of the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis.

“When the rules changed, it essentially froze the number of wind projects,” said IEEFA data analyst Seth Feaster. That caused communities to miss out on revenues, more financial stability, better credit ratings and indirect job benefits, he and Buchanan noted. Meanwhile, a lot of wind projects moved to other states that were more welcoming.

The constant push to limit or repeal the state’s renewable energy and energy efficiency portfolio standards has also hurt, Melink noted. The portfolio standards act as incentives to attract and develop clean energy and other businesses that want renewable energy by setting enforceable targets, which the market then moves to meet, he said.

“A totally unregulated market is too open to the kinds of things that we’re witness to with HB 6,” Melink said. “Setting standards and rules is a good thing.”

“Businesses need some certainty that before they make investments to grow their businesses, that there are good laws that will be in existence for some period of time — that we’re not going to be going back and forth every year or two years, changing our minds about these things,” Melink continued. “No company is going to make a major investment to grow a clean energy economy with that scenario.”

Other concerns focus on how regulators and the courts have applied the state’s energy laws, including provisions that currently limit or preclude refunds of unlawful charges. 

Even before HB 6 passed, for example, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio allowed a credit support charge. The Supreme Court of Ohio found that the charge was unlawful, but declined to make FirstEnergy refund charges to consumers. A delayed repeal of HB 6 could also let utilities collect charges under the law.

“FirstEnergy and FirstEnergy Solutions should not be allowed to financially gain from the poisoned fruits of a crooked tree,” said Howard Learner, executive director of the Environmental Law & Policy Center. “If the U.S. Department of Justice’s allegations of corruption are proven true, then the mandatory rate increase imposed by House Bill 6 on Ohio consumers should be invalidated, and FirstEnergy and FirstEnergy Solutions/Energy Harbor should be required to disgorge their financial gains and refund those excess charges to consumers.”

Other pending legislation could make matters even more challenging for renewables. House Bill 246, for example, “does little to address the serious issues plaguing the PUCO and [Ohio Power Siting Board]’s opaque and inconsistent processes, especially as it relates to siting renewable energy projects in Ohio,” Leppla said. The bill could also make the Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel more subject to political sway.

One or more bills to repeal House Bill 6 are being introduced next week, Skindell and Lanese said. But that repeal of House Bill 6 is not yet assured.

“Given the press of other business, repealing HB 6 is not a good idea because it would result in a rate increase for all Ohio ratepayers,” said House Majority Floor Leader Bill Seitz, R-Cincinnati. Seitz has pushed to limit or repeal Ohio’s renewable energy and energy efficiency standards since at least 2013. He and other House leaders have issued a joint statement saying they are reviewing the federal allegations and do not have knowledge of other representatives’ involvement.

“Repealing HB 6 doesn’t solve all of the challenges faced by clean energy companies or corporations trying to meet their sustainability targets in Ohio, but it’s a good start,” Tolbert said.

“We need to start from scratch,” said Sen. Stephanie Kunze, R-Hilliard. She added that the whole HB 6 process reminded her of baking a cake, in which supporters said “We’ll say that Ohioans want this cake, but really we want this cake, and you have to bake it for us.”

“We didn’t get a choice,” Kunze said.

Finding solutions for graduation 2020: a collaborative series by Neighborhood Media & the West Park Times

Graduation 2020 in Cleveland was covered in four parts by the West Park Times in collaboration with Neighborhood Media with assistance from a grant provided by Solutions Journalism. Cleveland’s solutions were found to be derived from Toledo, so we followed up with them and their success as well.


West Park senior learns to adjust in a changing world

West Park Senior Adjust to Changing World, Graduation 2020, Solutions Journalism, Jerry Masek

No prom, no traditional graduation ceremony, no hanging out with friends.

It would be perfectly normal if members of the Class of 2020 feel cheated and depressed as they watch a national pandemic wash away their senior year. 

But that’s not the case, says Faith Habrat of West Park. “I’ve talked a lot with other seniors, and we agree. We started the year together, and we are going to end it together. We’ll just remember all the good times. We’ll be fine.”

“We are trying not to feel cheated. We understand that everyone is doing what they can.”

But she admits,”It has been scary. It’s not the senior year I expected.”

Prom has been pushed back to July, and may not happen at all.

“I’m not really huge on prom,” she said. “But to not have it is very upsetting. It is a good time to share with friends.”

Before the shutdown, Faith attended the Cleveland School of Science and Medicine, located next to the sprawling Cleveland Clinic campus. Since March, he has studied at home.

“I try to cope with that. Life is hectic, and its really frustrating and hard. We text and e-mail our teachers and our principal a lot throughout the day. They are very helpful. We want to make sure we know what their expectations are.”

This summer, Faith will work as a camp counselor at Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU). After that, she begins work on a psychology at the University of Cincinnati.

For now, she is focusing a school-by-school drive-thru graduation ceremony that all Cleveland seniors will eventually particpate in.

Her graduation party was “no big get-together.” but a drive-by parade of family and friends as they drove past her house on Woodbury Ave., on Sunday afternoon, May 24.

Pre-party checklist: Cap, check. Gown, check. Mask, check.

It’s still an event that Faith will never forget.


Learning to hit curve balls in the COVID era

As a star softball player for 10 years, Abby Peterson learned to hit whatever pitch was thrown. This year, as a graduating senior at St. Joseph Academy, she saw a lot of real-life curve balls and changeups because of the pandemic:

  • Her spring softball season washed away completely, including a long-planned trip to Myrtle Beach.
  • Her summer softball season was cut in half.
  • She watched her graduation “ceremony” on a video at a drive-in theater.
  • Her restaurant employment was interrupted.
  • Her on-campus college orientation become a virtual experience.
  • Prom and the traditional “Walk of Roses” ceremony may or may not happen. 

That’s a lot of change to throw at an 18-year-old. Through it all, Abby maintained a 4.2 grade point average, graduated with high honors, and regained her job at Applebee’s Restaurant in Rocky River.

Her positive attitude helped.

“There was a lot of uncertainty this year,” she said. “We never knew what was going to happen. We learned to live in the moment. Nothing in life is guaranteed.”

“Batter up!”

Softball should been a major part of her senior year. Abby pitches and plays infield. During her junior year, the team enjoyed a record-setting 21-6 season.

“This would have been a great year for us. Now, we’re not happy. It’s kind of sad. I really wanted to play one more season,” Abby said.

“An extended break”

“At first, they told us we would be back in 3 weeks, and we were happy for an extended break. Then, the break kept getting longer and longer. The school year ended really fast.”

At home, Abby quickly adopted a routine of waking up early, tackling her work in four subjects, and taking long walks in the Metroparks later in the day. There were a lot of Zoom meetings, e-mail and work in Google Classroom.

“I had never even heard of Zoom before,” she said. “As much as possible, our teachers tried to run the classes as if we were really there.”

It all led up to a graduation ceremony spread out over several days for social distancing. SJA assembled a video of all graduates picking up their diplomas, and played it at drive-in theater in North Ridgeville. Students and their families watched from cars, but classmates were nearby, and the social time was both safe and enjoyable.

A future filled with question marks

Graduation party? Maybe. Prom? Maybe. Walk of Roses? Maybe. When to leave for college? No date set yet.

Abby plans to major in business at Ohio University, and may eventually go into Law or Marketing. Although OU plans to re-open this fall, no date has been set. Orientation has changed from an on-campus to a virtual experience.

“I’m just looking forward to a future without COVID,” Abby said. ” I want a normal freshman year at college, I am going to stay positive and move forward.”

Footnote: Abby’s biggest fans are her parents, Alan and Kelli Peterson — a proud 1993 graduate of SJA.


How the pandemic changed ‘pomp and circumstance’

It is often said that “necessity is the mother of invention.” That was certainly true this spring as the pandemic brought a halt to old ways of celebrating.

School officials were faced with a huge challenge ― plan a high school graduation ceremony that would satisfy necessary health guidelines/restrictions; give graduates the recognition they deserved, and still keep school traditions alive. The guidelines were mandated by Gov. DeWine and the Ohio Departments of Education and Health.

Let’s look at the two high schools in West Park.


John Marshall High School

Graduates get ‘15 seconds of fame’

Horns honked. Families cheered and applauded. Cameras flashed. Students hung out of car windows as a car procession began. A pep band musician showed up with his drums and a sign reading, ‘Graduates, you rock.’ There were hugs, few tears, and lots of proud parents. Cars were decorated with balloons and signs. School district CEO Eric Gordon directed traffic wearing a cap, gown, and face mask.

    Welcome to graduation in the pandemic era.

On June 17, JMHS graduates enjoyed 76-degree temperatures and clear skies. They gathered at Max Hayes High School, 2211 W. 65th St., chosen by CMSD officials because of the central location and unique parking layout. Here, John Marshall and all the West Side high schools could hold outside graduation ceremonies that satisfied all State-mandated social distancing guidelines.

Every parking spot was marked with a number. Students were assigned a number ahead of time ― one car per family. Some students arrived an hour before the ceremony started, for social time. It had been a long time since they were last together.

Right on time, the ceremony began with a pre-recorded National Anthem, and a few speeches. It was live-streamed, and everyone watched from their car.

When the roll call began, a car procession formed from the parking lot to a nearby loop road near the school. Each car stopped near decorations of balloons. The graduate stepped out, took two steps to get the diploma, have his photo taken, and tip his/her hat to the principal. As the car continued down the loop road, the graduate was greeted with more cheers, applause, and signs from faculty, family, and friends.

Their 15 seconds of fame were over ― and so were their four years of high school.

Find our full gallery of photos from John Marshall’s graduation day here.


Saint Joseph Academy

Mixing compassion with strength

“Saint Joseph Academy is committed to honoring the Class of 2020 and upholding the dignity of these end-of-year traditions, while still protecting the health and safety of the entire Academy community,” SJA spokesperson Mackenzie Schuler said in an email. Founded in 1890 by the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph, SJA is an all-girl Catholic high school in West Park. Students come throughout Greater Cleveland.

To start the graduation process, faculty and staff distributed caps, gowns and yard signs to members of the Class of 2020. The in-person commencement ceremony took place over three days ―  May 18, 19, 20 ― to ensure that social distancing and other guidelines were followed. Photos and video were taken as each student was recognized. The video included a pre-recording of scripture readings, commencement speaker President Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis (who retires on June 30), a student speaker and traditional songs.

During her remarks, President Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis quoted former Ohio Health Director Dr. Amy Acton, who once said, “I refuse to believe you cannot be both compassionate and strong.” She pointed out that Jesus Christ was also compassionate and strong, and urged graduates to follow that role model.

Links to photos and the video were posted on-line. Graduates and their families and friends were also invited to see the video at the Aut-O-Rama Drive-In Theater in North Ridgeville.

Student speaker Sarah Scarpitti referred to the pandemic in her remarks.

“…the past few months have brought a lot of uncertainty to our days. No one anticipated that we would encounter such an obstacle this year, but we will be able to look back and smile ―  because we are fighting to conquer it now. And for the Class of 2020, it’s going to be about moving forward with the lessons we learned from this unfathomable experience. So much light has been shed on some of the most fundamental truths of life. And I wholeheartedly believe that we, The Class of 2020 ― standing at one of the many pinnacles of our lives ― were awakened to some of these fundamental truths.”

“We understand that waking up to a new adventure every day is the ultimate blessing ―  we won’t take for granted even the simplest moments that appear to be freely given. We realize that PHYSICALLY going to school is an extraordinary gift. We have felt the power of prayer and of hope. We stood face-to-face with the phrase “this, too, shall pass”. We have recognized, at one point or another, that suffering isn’t an individual hardship ―  it’s a shared experience. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ’s name ― and solidarity and interdependence can heal even the deepest wounds.”

Schuler said the ceremonial Walk of the Roses procession, which attracts crowds along Rocky River Drive, is tentatively set for Tuesday, July 14or a later date in 2020 to be determined.

“We hope that larger public gatherings may be allowed later this year,” she said. “There is no guarantee that conditions will be better in July or even later this year, and it may have to be cancelled. Let’s keep our fingers crossed ― and our hands washed!” She wrote. “We are so very proud of the Class of 2020 and grateful for their resilience in these tumultuous times!”


The digital age

Memories of the event are already available. The livestream version that students watched in their cars has been added to YouTube. For the link, go to

Videos of this graduation ― and others ― will be aired soon on TV-43. Details will be announced.

District photographers also documented the event, and those images will be available soon.

A photo gallery can currently be seen here at the West Park Times.


*All stories written by Jerry Masek, who also contributed additional photography – Video produced by the West Park Times in collaboration with Neighborhood Media and Rich Weiss of the Tremonster.

What we learned: In occasions such as these, it isn’t always easy to keep a distance from people. Graduates want photos with their family members and friends. They want those memories. But, in an era of COVID-19, these traditions weren’t always realities, and things were often put on hold. Photographs, celebrations, ceremonies – nothing was quite the same and none of it was done until it could be performed safely without furthering the spread of the virus. Overall, while sacrifices were made, the class of 2020 within the metropolitan school districts of both Toledo and Cleveland were able to successfully hold graduation ceremonies in a drive-through fashion.

Join Challenge West Park!

There’s still time to join Challenge West Park, a community-driven, virtual scavenger hunt open to all ages.

“So far we have 13 teams participating,” notes Lindsay Wheeler of the Bellaire Puritas Development Corp. (BPDC), the organization responsible for organizing this community event. “Including a team from PPG and two from John Marshall.”

“John Marshall School of Civic and Business Leadership is in the lead with 1,200 points,” added Wheeler.

Registration is always open, so you can join any time. The challenge began, Monday, July 20th, and runs for a total of 4 consecutive weeks.

According to BPDC’s web page: “Challenges will task players with locating objects around the neighborhood, creating dances and songs, participating in community efforts, checking into a location or solving a riddle. ”

Sign up here.

Food panty every 2nd and 3rd Saturday at West Park UCC

Food Pantry Information West Park UCC

West Park United Church of Christ distributes non-perishable food items the second and third Saturday of every month to those in need from 9 until 11 a.m.

Our Pantry is currently walk/ride/drive up only for the safety of our guests and volunteers. We follow Local Health Authorities guidelines and recommend wearing a mask. 

Please Bring your ID with you. You are welcome to pick up food anytime between the hours noted above. Please call the office at (216) 671-7228 for information on picking up for other families and delivery options for the home-bound. 

Free COVID-19 testing available in the City of Cleveland

COVID-19 Testing in the City of Cleveland now free


by Andrianna D. Peterson

Testing for those with COVID-19 symptoms or those who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 is available for free at the local federally-qualified health centers (FQHCs) below:

Neighborhood Family Practice

  • W. 117 Community Health Center – 11709 Lorain Ave.
  • By appointment only
  • Tests are available regardless of one’s ability to pay
  • Call (216) 281-0872 for information or to schedule an appointment
  • Results are back in one to three days

Neon Hough

  • 8300 Hough Ave. (West Parking Lot)
  • By appointment only
  • Tests are free of charge to the patient
  • Testing done Mondays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • To schedule and learn more about COVID-19 testing, call (216) 231-7700

Signature Health

  • 21100 Southgate Park Blvd.
  • By appointment only
  • Tests are free of charge to the patient
  • Testing done Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • To schedule COVID-19 testing, call (440) 578-8203

Care Alliance

  • Central Clinic – 2916 Central Ave.
  • Drive-thru and walk-up testing, by appointment only
  • Tests are free of charge to the patient
  • Call the COVID-19 Nurse Line at (216) 535-9100 and press 6
  • Testing done Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Results are back in 24 to 48 hours

The Centers

  • East Office – 4400 Euclid Ave.
  • Drive-thru and walk-up testing, by appointment only
  • Tests are free of charge to the patient
  • Call (216) 325-WELL (9355) to talk with an access specialist, be triaged by a nurse, and schedule your telehealth visit with one of our providers for screening for a test
  • Testing takes place on Wednesdays, following a Tuesday telehealth visit (required)

Four-state coalition unveils blueprint to “reimagine Appalachia” with a new deal that works for us

Good policies can protect workers during pandemic


50+ groups outline policies to create a 21st century economy that’s good for workers, communities, and the environment

Policy Matters Ohio joined a broad and diverse coalition of thought leaders and organizations from West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Ohio today to release a policy blueprint. By expanding economic opportunity while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the blueprint outlines a vision for vibrant Appalachian communities where everyone is paid enough to support themselves and their family, where future generations can put down roots, where they have clean air to breathe and water to drink, whether they are white, Black, Brown or Indigenous.  “The economy comes down to people working, buying and selling. People are the economy. What’s good for people is good for the economy,” said Hannah Halbert, executive director of Policy Matters Ohio.

“Right now, our nation is facing unprecedented challenges with the COVID epidemic, a deep economic downturn, extreme inequality, racism, police brutality and the consequences of a changing climate. We’re seeing what happens when powerful corporations use their wealth and influence to direct our public resources into their pockets through tax breaks and tax cuts, depriving our communities of important assets, like the public health infrastructure we need to stay safe and healthy.”  

The “New Deal that Works for Us” is built on three pillars: Expanding opportunity through public investments: Creating good jobs that provide a future for all working people, including former coal workers, and regardless of the color of their skin, ethnic background or gender.

Building a 21st century sustainable economy: Putting people to work modernizing the electric grid, growing clean and efficient manufacturing, building a sustainable transportation system, repairing damage from the last century, and relaunching the Civilian Conservation Corps for “carbon farming” purposes.

Making sure all working people share in prosperity by growing unions and raising wages throughout the economy, ensuring universal health and child care, and promoting local ownership in the region.

Halbert said the blueprint can present opportunities for Ohioans working in extraction industries, which have been hit hard by the downturn. The most recent data show the number of Ohio jobs in mining and logging has declined nearly 16% over the year, to about 10,000. The jobs projected to grow fastest in Southeast Ohio — and statewide — are in the service sector, according to the Ohio Department of Job and Family services. The top employer seeking workers in the region was Dollar General, according to the state job posting site, Many of these jobs don’t pay people enough to make ends meet, Halbert said. 

“In 2017, during the longest period of economic expansion in our nation’s history, the poverty rate in Appalachian Ohio was 17.2%, 17.8% in Appalachian W.VA., 13.3% in Appalachian Pennsylvania and 25.6% in Appalachian Kentucky,” she said. “Despite some improvement, last Friday’s state-level June jobs report showed that our region has lost more than one out every 10 jobs since February. The federal government needs to jumpstart our economy with federal infrastructure investments.” 

The coalition to Reimagine Appalachia, was born out of a broad recognition that years of policies pushed by absentee corporations and their politicians have created an economy that doesn’t work for most people living in the Ohio River Valley. There continues to be a desperate need for family-sustaining jobs in communities of all sizes. This is especially true because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hamstrung already-struggling local economies in the region, while limited federal assistance to families is set to run out.  However, COVID adds to existing economic pain in the region.  

Appalachia has long provided the raw materials for the prosperity of the nation, while the region itself has suffered high rates of poverty and unemployment, and low wages. Bad actors in the extractive industries have also left our land scarred, and our workers and neighbors sick, particularly our neighbors of color.  In response, a group of economic, environmental, and community leaders, along with grassroots organizations came together to brainstorm the best pathway to a 21st century economy that’s good for workers, communities, and the environment.  

“By gathering ideas and input from groups around the region, we’re building a vision for where we want to go and identifying the steps necessary to get us from here to there,” said Ashley Spalding, research director for Kentucky Center for Economic Policy. “We just need to get federal policymakers to commit the resources.” 

Endorsements for the blueprint come from a diverse array of organizations representing the voices of residents across four states in the Ohio River Valley, and are listed in the blueprint itself.  

“Federal policymakers are designing stimulus packages and we are on the brink of an election. Now is the time to amplify our voices to ensure the people of Appalachia have a say in how our region rebuilds,” said Stephen Herzenberg, economist and executive director of the Keystone Research Center. “Appalachia needs to be at the table for national climate change conversations, or we’ll be on the menu.”

 In the coming months, the coalition will roll out a series of white papers fleshing out the details of the framework. During that period, it continues to seek additional input and support from interested stakeholders, union leaders, grassroots and grasstops organizations, thought leaders, and elected officials. The Reimagine Appalachia coalition will build the vision of a 21st century Appalachia and then work together to make that vision a reality.

Get more information on the coalition website here:

A promotional video for the coalition’s work is available here.

Cleveland Museum of Art’s Presentation of Picasso and Paper is postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions: Museum aims to present the exhibition in a future year

Cleveland Museum of Art’s Presentation of Picasso and Paper is Postponed Indefinitely Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Travel Restrictions

Due to European travel restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) has had to postpone indefinitely its presentation of the special exhibition Picasso and Paper this fall (September 22–December 13, 2020). The CMA hopes to reconstitute the show in a future year. Changes to the special exhibition schedule will be announced soon.

“For several years, the CMA staff has been working very hard to bring to Cleveland the large and important exhibition Picasso and Paper,” said William Griswold, director of the Cleveland Museum of Art. “Unfortunately, with the surge of coronavirus infections in this country, the EU has implemented travel restrictions that inhibit the ability of lenders to take part in the installation of the show. There is no way around this, and so we and our exhibition partners, the Royal Academy of Arts, London, and the Musée national Picasso-Paris, have had no choice but to postpone the Cleveland presentation.”

Picasso and Paper is currently on view at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, through August 2, 2020. Tickets are sold out.

Picasso and Paper is organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Royal Academy of Arts, London, in partnership with the Musée national Picasso-Paris.

Please visit and follow the museum on social media for the most up-to-date information.

About the Cleveland Museum of Art

The Cleveland Museum of Art is renowned for the quality and breadth of its collection, which includes more than 61,000 objects and spans 6,000 years of achievement in the arts. The museum is a significant international forum for exhibitions, scholarship and performing arts. One of the top comprehensive art museums in the nation and free of charge to all, the Cleveland Museum of Art is located in the dynamic University Circle neighborhood.

The Cleveland Museum of Art receives funding from a broad range of individuals, foundations and businesses in Cleveland and northeast Ohio. The museum is supported in part by residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture and made possible in part by the Ohio Arts Council (OAC), which receives support from the State of Ohio and the National Endowment for the Arts.

The OAC is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally and economically. For more information about the museum and its holdings, programs and events, call 888-CMA-0033 or visit

Photo by Daian Gan from Pexels

Opera for All: The Barber of Seville mini-series, episode 1


Experience, explore, and engage in Rossini’s The Barber of Seville through Cleveland Opera Theater’s abridged mini-series

The first-of-its-kind mini-series event, Cleveland Opera Theater presents a reimagined telling of Rossini’s comedic masterpiece, Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville), created especially for our ’20 / ’21 online season. Featuring world class artists from Northeast Ohio and around the world, this entertaining and fresh interpretation will provide family-friendly entertainment and laughs for all ages.

• Saturday, July 25, FREE Summer Concert: on “National Hot Fudge Sundae Day” and “Wine and Cheese Day,” with good pairings possible for fans of all ages Streamed at:

o July 25, Ep. 1 – Premiere of the Barber Mini-Series

o Aug. 1, Ep. 2

o Aug. 8, Ep. 3

o Aug. 15, Ep. 4

• Sunday, August 30, FREE Summer Concert: Streamed at: in partnership with Dunham Tavern Museum, on “National Toasted Marshmallow Day -” perfect for s’mores.

o Aug. 30, Ep. 5 – Finale of the Barber mini-series

The Barber mini-series is free to all but donations can be made at and are greatly appreciated.

Donations are accepted through our website at

The mission of Cleveland Opera Theater is to advance opera through innovative, accessible, and inclusive experiences. Our vision and our motto is “Opera For All.” We invite you to experience, explore, and engage in opera with us!