State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney discusses serving WP

By State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney

Note: Representative Bride Rose Sweeney will stand for re-election in November of 2022.

Since November of 2018, I have been blessed to serve the people of West Park in the Ohio House of Representatives. Our community has been through a lot in that time as we endure a deadly pandemic that has upended the way we live our lives. My office corresponded with over three thousand constituents across the West Side in the last year alone. We’ve helped small businesses to adapt and remain open while also slashing through red tape for the unemployed. We are not yet out of the pandemic, and we need leaders who are committed to finding a way out of this public health crisis, not finding more ways to divide us. 

As your Representative, I hope to continue doing the real and challenging work of government. For the last three years, my mission has been to fight for better schools, safer streets, and a healthier economy that rewards hard work. I’ve focused on passing legislation in a bipartisan fashion and ensuring access to over $550 million in federal dollars for the City of Cleveland. Building on a five-year bipartisan effort, I succeeded in finally overhauling Ohio’s broken and unconstitutional school funding formula that over-relied on property taxes. For the first time in the history of Ohio, the actual needs of students and the true capacity of each community to meet their unique needs will direct state resources, not the partisan whims of individual lawmakers. I will continue to push to fully implement and ensure an education system that is fair for students, communities, and taxpayers. 

In addition to being the lead sponsor of the enacted Fair School Funding Plan, one of my proudest accomplishments thus far is becoming the highest-ranking member of my party on the powerful House Finance Committee. At 29, I am likely the youngest legislator to hold this leadership position as well as to serve as a fiscal watchdog on Ohio’s Controlling Board. The Finance Committee oversees all state expenditures, including more than $70 billion for the biennial operating budget. With this new responsibility, I will continue advocating for West Park to receive its fair share. It is exciting to have a more prominent role in appropriating funding for our first responders, new public buildings, better infrastructure, and even federal pandemic relief.

I am honored to be your voice and committed to making a difference at the Ohio Statehouse. My vision for our future is one where everyone has the opportunity to live in a thriving, safe community with good schools and a fair shot at college or trade school. It is one where everyone has a chance to work a good-paying job that pays on time and reflects the dignity of their labor. I promise to never stop fighting for a healthy democracy that makes voting more accessible and corruption unwelcome. It is an honor and a privilege to serve. Keep the faith!

Thank you,

State Representative Bride Rose Sweeney

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