Ward 16 Councilman Brian Kazy will hold the annual summit meeting on March 2, at the VFW Hall 2133, at 4935 W. 131 and Gilmore.
The event is usually held in January, but was pushed back because of the COVID surge, Kazy said. He will look back on what was accomplished in 2021, and look ahead for what is planned in 2022.
Kazy said a highlight this year will be the redevelopment of the vacant National Hawthorne Elementary School into market-rate housing.

The school, at 3575 West 130th St., was one of 14 properties marketed last year in a joint City and school district effort. Developers bid on which sites they wanted. Winning proposals were announced June 30.
Kazy said work would probably begin in late spring or early summer. Other projects may be announced at the summit.
“I will continue to advocate for more business in Ward 16,” Kazy said.