Rep. Sweeney named ranking member of the House Finance Committee, ‘likely youngest-ever’


Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Cleveland) was named the Ranking Member of the House Finance Committee. She fills the role formerly held by Erica C. Crawley, now a Franklin County Commissioner. Rep. Sweeney becomes likely the youngest-ever ranking member on the powerful Finance Committee.

“I am very grateful to have been entrusted with this responsibility. It is further evidence that not only are young women more than capable of holding public office, but they can also rise to important leadership roles and make a real difference,” said Ranking Member Sweeney

“As someone involved in the budget process for the last four General Assemblies, I understand the gravity of matters before the Finance Committee, from appropriating billions in federal dollars to overhauling the way we fund our children’s education. There are real problems that Ohioans face every day, and it is my hope that we will work together to focus on them in this committee.”

The House Finance Committee oversees all budgetary and fiscal matters that go before the General Assembly. It is the largest committee in the House, encompassing a third of its members. The panel is charged with crafting a balanced budget that funds every aspect of state operations, totaling more than $70 billion. It is also responsible for more than $7 billion in transportation funding to maintain and invest in Ohio’s roads, highways and public transportation. The body will also allocate the remainder of critical federal pandemic relief dollars and tackle the upcoming capital budget, which funds important brick and mortar projects in every corner of the state.

Rep. Sweeney today was also named to the state’s Controlling Board, the body that regularly meets to approve the allocation of state and federal funding to state agencies and other entities. It is a seven member panel, which practices legislative oversight to ensure that public tax dollars are spent appropriately. As a fiscal watchdog on the Controlling Board, Rep. Sweeney will also help explain complex budgetary matters for the general public.

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