Corruption in the UAW leads to historic vote for democracy


One million UAW active members and retirees will decide the future of the beleaguered United Auto Workers Union (UAW). Reeling from a massive corruption scandal and forced by the U.S. government to hold a vote on how future leaders of the troubled union will be elected, the union is facing one of the greatest challenges in its 86-year history.

The referendum vote will determine whether the top leadership of the UAW, known as the International Executive Board (IEB), will continue to be elected by delegates at a convention or whether the union’s active members and retirees will decide who occupies the top positions in the UAW. The court appointed Monitor is supervising the votee and ballots will be mailed on October 19, 2021. All ballots must be returned by 10am November 29, 2021 in order to be included in the final tally.

This action marks the most significant reform effort in the U.S. labor movement since the 1989 transformation of the Teamsters union. Both sides of the issue are gearing up their supporters in an effort to push their side over the finish line. The Direct Voting System, also known as One Member, One Vote, is favored by Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD). A dozen UAW officials have been convicted of federal crimes associated with these corrupt activities; some are currently serving prison sentences. 

In the coming weeks, UAWD will monitor developments of the Referendum, issue a series of press releases and provide interviews with UAW members in an effort to keep the media informed of events. 

About Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) — UAWD is a political caucus in the UAW calling for structural changes in the union, including the election of International officers by direct vote of the union membership. If you would like more information, please contact Nathan Pensler at 301-651-3577 or

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