Two new electric vehicle charging stations to be installed in Cleveland


In partnership with the Northeast Ohio Area Coordinating Agency (NOACA), the City of Cleveland applied for and received grant funding for two electric vehicle charging stations through the Ohio EPA’s disbursement of the Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Fund. These publicly accessible stations will be located at the City of Cleveland’s new Ward 1 Neighborhood Resource & Recreation Center and at the Red Lot at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Both will be 240-V, Level 2 charging stations, which allow for 25 miles of range per hour of charging – or full charge in about 4-5 hours. Across Cuyahoga County, 22 charging stations received funding through the OEPA grant program and will be implemented over the next two years. Along with a $3 million allocation toward regional EV charging stations from NOACASustainable Cleveland is hopeful that residents, employees, and visitors to the City will continue to see accelerated development in robust EV infrastructure.

Follow this link for a full list of OEPA grant recipients.  

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