Making Veggie Eating Easier

From the City Fresh newsletter

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One of the big barriers a lot of folks have to CSA shares is, well, all the vegetables. For some, shares don’t have enough veggies, but those tend to be few and far between. For most, shares can sometimes be a LOT. Even the most culinarily nimble among us can encounter struggle when shares are a little bit extra. This is why we try to source recipes that focus on being quick and easy. After a long day of work, cooking needn’t be a huge chore. No one wants to find themselves saying, “but I just made dinner yesterday!”

The good news is that your friendly neighborhood City Fresh volunteer is likely an old hat at all of this and will have lots of good advice for you at your pick up. We’re also geared up to offer simple, fast pointers each week in this very newsletter. Here’s some tips and tricks to making the most of your shares this season.

The grill is your friend: Especially in summer months when temps are at their highest, turning on the oven is not something we often want to do. Using a grill therefor solves multiple issues. Vegetables can be cut in large piecesrather than finely chopped, or sometimes grilled whole. You can use a grilling basket or make a foil envelope and toss chopped veggies in oil and the seasonings of your choice. There are even things that you might not think to grill – like romaine lettuce.

Prep veggies ahead of time: Lots of things can be prepared in advance of actually using them. Just like buying a bag of chopped veggies in the grocery, you can simplify your approach. Be sure to focus on eating the most delicate items first (and brush up on proper veggie storage). Wash your lettuce and greens and have them spun and ready to go for salads and sautes all week. Future You will thank you.

The miracle of a sheet pan dinner: There are tons of recipes that are practically just “chop it all up, coat it in oil, throw it in the oven.” If you find a recipe that has veggies you don’t have, feel free to substitute. Start mixing by color and texture. Combine a starch, something green, and a protein, toss in olive oil and your favorite seasonings and bake at 350° until the smell is right. This approach can keep you going for months.

Eat a salad for dinner on pick up day: On the day you pick up your share, you might not feel up to cooking once you get everything home. This is a great night to make a salad and top it with whatever you’ve got in the fridge: leftover meats, a hard-boiled egg, some cheese, etc. You finish your greens and minimize your time in the kitchen.

There’s no one right way to eat your veggies. Part of the adventure of CSA is playing fast and loose with the rules in the kitchen and getting really really familiar with all the seasonal fare we offer. Join us on Facebook or Instagramand share your ideas for keeping things easy!
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