OPINION: Why Donald Trump should be re-elected

By Peter Pluto

West Park resident 

The day that President Donald Trump and Vice President Michael Pence were elected in 2016, the Dow Jones Average — a strong index of our economy —  lifted off like a Jupiter C rocket.

The economy

Trump’s tax cuts, new agreements with other countries, and other economic policies thrust Americans into the workforce in record numbers.  

Unemployment was at record numbers, including numbers for Black, Latino, and Asian Americans. Even during the depth of COVID-19, the Dow was better than levels during the eight years before Trump.

Thanks to Trump, a powerful economy was created that keeps confounding the “experts.” 

  • Manufacturing employment rebounded quickly.
  • We see “Help Wanted” signs once again.
  • We have low prices on gas.

Under Trump’s leadership, America can finally produce enough oil to supply our needs. America is no longer dependent upon Middle Eastern oil. We can also negotiate good prices.


When COVID-19 emerged, Trump stopped travel from China and Europe early, in spite of political resistance by his rivals and the World Health Organization’s odd claim that stopping travel would do more harm than good.  

When Doctor Deborah Birx reported that World Health Organization test kits were unreliable, Trump asked American companies to develop a new test. Within weeks, America had a brand new five-minute test.

When the normal manufacturers could not produce enough ventilators, Trump asked companies like Ford Motor to change their lines. America now exports ventilators all over the world.  

Trump’s March 2, 2020, meeting with top pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies illustrates the talents of a business-oriented leader who assembles the best people, listens to them, offers full cooperation, and gets a group of fierce American business competitors to work together to solve a problem

When Trump asked about mask re-use, Battelle of Ohio quickly responded.  Battelle contacted Governor DeWine, who called President Trump. Within days, Battelle was sterilizing masks with full Food and Drug Administration approval. 

Trump recognizes a problem, inspires the experts, and gets solutions approved immediately. He is not your normal politician.

Throughout the pandemic, Trump quickly provided people, money, equipment, and encouragement to state governments, particularly New York and New Jersey. which had 28 percent of the nation’s COVID-19 deaths. Examples of Trump’s actions:

  • Suspended taxes.
  • Arranged immediate Small Business Administration loans and the Payroll Protection Program for businesses.
  • Sent stimulus checks to virtually every American family, with additional dollars for families with children, to help them get through this virus.

Law and Order

In 2016, Trump’s appeal was his pledge to support police. He takes law, order, and public safety very seriously. He stands strongly against calls to defund the police. Trump has asked, and in some cases nearly begged, mayors of cities with weeks and months of rioting, looting, and shooting, to request the National Guard and federal law enforcement assistance to restore order and safety.

Trump is sending people and money to cities to reinforce local police. He has gained support from Black and Latino communities with Opportunity Zones and increased economic investments in minority communities.


Trump’s international peace efforts have led to three nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • He has disarmed the threat of nuclear war from North Korea.
  • ISIS has been defeated.
  • Trump mediated an incredible treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

The world is a lot more peaceful than it was four years ago, which strengthens America’s national and economic security. 


Trump and Pence clearly promote and defend life, another clear distinction from their opposing party. 

In closing

Trump’s policies clearly reflect the values held by many West Park residents. These policies support public safety, law and order, and our first responders. They support economic growth and keeping tax dollars in your family’s pockets, not the government’s coffers.

The 2020 election is not a personality contest, it is about which candidate offers the best policies for our economic, personal, and national security.  President Trump has earned four more years to build upon his achievements in these areas.

Peter Pluto is a member of the Central Committee of Republican Party of Cuyahoga County and Ward 17 Republican Club.

Editor’s note: The West Park Times strives to be a neutral, unbiased local news source. The ideas and thoughts expressed in this piece are the opinions of an individual and are not necessarily representative of the views of the West Park Times or its members.

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