West Park Wellness: Euphoria’s Kyle Amsdell is as fit as they come

Story and photos by Jerry Masek

First in a series on local fitness centers

    Woody Allen once said: “Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, teach phys ed.”

    Woody Allen never met Kyle Amsdell.

    Amsdell, Owner of Euphoria Health & Fitness, definitely practices what he preaches. For 16 hours a day, he trains with clients.

    Amsdell, 48, could be one of the most physically fit people in Northeastern Ohio. Monday through Friday, he starts his day at 5 a.m., working out with clients in a suburban swimming pool. After a 15-minute lunch break and a series of intensive 30-minute training sessions with individual clients, he heads home at 9 p.m.

    He describes himself as “extremely goal-oriented.” His intensity sets the pace and tone for employees and clients alike at Euphoria. The operation reflects the owner.

    Amsdell has entered 24 Ironman competitions and some 500 triathlons. These events combine long-distance running, biking, and swimming.

Welcome to Euphoria

    The center, at 20445 Emerald Parkway, is near the Grayton Road exit of Interstate-480. It shares the One International Place building with several firms, including Bravo Wellness.

    It includes an outdoor obstacle course that is “one of the best in the nation,” Amsdell says. Euphoria owns more than 80 acres of outdoor training grounds. Athletes can also use trails in the adjacent Rocky River Reservation.

    Swimmers enjoy partnerships with several local pools for training, and have access to a private beach on Lake Erie for open water training.

    Amsdell is one of 10 certified physical trainers on-site. All have key cards for 24/7 access, so they can train with clients well into the evening. Amsdell works with more than 20 clients each day or up to 150 to175 clients per week. Since the center opened in 2007, he estimates that “thousands” of persons have worked out there.

    Although Euphoria attracts those seeking elite training, such as marathon runners and Iron Man athletes, clients have diverse needs, Amsdell says.

    Trainers often focus on specialties such as youth fitness, golf, basketball or football. Weight loss is also a popular concern. Amsdell, a trained dietitian, starts all clients with nutritional counseling; no matter what package they purchase. 

    Also available are corporate fitness programs, group fitness classes, and massage at Green Massage Therapy in the same building.

    Euphoria offers various fitness classes and personal training options. Fees depend on the option. For more info, visit, www.euphoriahealthandfitness.com


Other local fitness centers: Gunning Recreation Center, West Park-Fairview YMCA, Anytime Fitness in Warren Village, and Fitness 19 in Kamm’s Plaza. They will be featured in future issues.


Jerry Masek, a certified hypnotist, is active in local holistic events.

*This column in no way is meant to replace or contradict regular medical recommendations from a certified medical physician. 

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