John Marshall Alumni Association to host Merchandise Memorabilia sale

Photo from Class pictures, albums, glassware from different graduations and reunions will be among items sold. See more information below.

The John Marshall Alumni Association will sell yearbooks, interpreters, record albums, CD’s, mosaics, class pictures, sports posters, cookbooks, theater posters, sports letters & programs, black-and-white choir, band, orchestra, and sports photographs, and more at the Merchandise and Memorabilia Sale.

The sale will be held from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., Sunday, July 28th, at the West Park Historical Society Community Room, 17401 Lorain Ave. (located behind Citizens Bank, Kamm’s Corners).

Parking is available adjacent to and behind the bank.

Come to sit and check out old photos. Take a leisurely trip down memory lane! Items date as far back as the 1930’s.

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