Visit some parks, not playgrounds, CDC recommends

While getting outdoors is important any time of the year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says do not visit playgrounds.

“Do not use playgrounds, including water playgrounds, located within local, state, or national parks,” says the CDC. 

The CDC states: “Using playgrounds might lead to the spread of COVID-19 because:

  • They are often crowded and could easily exceed recommended guidance for gatherings.
  • It can be challenging to keep surfaces clean and disinfected.
  • The virus can spread when young children touch contaminated equipment and then touch their hands to their eyes, nose, or mouth.”

Visiting a playground is advised against until further notice. However, select state and local parks remain open. Remember to practice safe social distancing practices no matter where you are, including at all public parks which remain open.

According to the Cleveland Metroparks, its ’18 reservations’ currently remains open and golf course hours are limited (9 a.m. to 5 p.m), depending on the weather. Find information regarding their updates here. To protect employees, they are asking individuals to ‘pack in, pack out.’ This means bring your own garbage container (bag) and bring any garbage with you when you leave.

The Cleveland Metroparks website does note: “Avoid playgrounds: all playgrounds and outdoor fitness stations are closed for safety.”

Swimming for now appears to be safe, given individuals continue taking appropriate measures to avoid shared spaces, etc. According to the CDC, there is no proof that currently exists indicating COVID-19 can be transmitted via water or swimming.

“There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the water. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (with chlorine or bromine) of pools should kill COVID-19,” states the CDC’s web page.

It is NOT recommended to use water parks or playgrounds, or hot tubs, says the CDC.

Getting out isn’t impossible during COVID-19 but it is still important to continue safe social distancing; practicing adequate hygiene habits, and additional precautions such as wearing a mask.

Find information from the National Parks Service regarding individual parks here.