Cleveland Division of Police announces command staff appointments


Mayor Frank G. Jackson, Director of Public Safety Karrie D. Howard and Police Chief Calvin D. Williams announce two Command Staff appointments to the Cleveland Division of Police following recent supervisory retirements.  The appointments will fill the roles of Commander of the Bureau of Special Investigations and Commander of the Bureau of Special Services.  These appointments will take effect on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.

Ali Pillow, Commander of the Bureau of Special Investigations

The Commander of the Bureau of Special Investigations oversees the Investigative Section which includes the Accident Investigation Unit, the Homicide Unit and the Financial Crimes Unit, the Technical Section which includes the Crime Scene and Records unit, the Forensic Unit and the Photography Unit, the Special Victims Section which includes the Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Unit and the Domestic Violence Unit, as well as the Administrative Section consisting of the Central Charging Office and the Criminal Statement Unit.

Commander Ali Pillow was appointed to the Division of Police in 1993.  Pillow served the Division of Police in the Fifth District on Basic Patrol and in the Vice Unit before being promoted to Sergeant in 2008, to Lieutenant in 2015 and to Captain in 2020.  Commander Ali Pillow has served the Division of Police as a Narcotics and Gang Unit Supervisor, an Internal Affairs Unit supervisor, as Public Information Officer, Lieutenant overseeing the Homicide Unit,  as the Executive Officer of the Bureau of Special Investigations and as Acting Internal Affairs Superintendent.  He has received multiple awards including the Medal of Heroism (2), Police Officer of the Year, Chief’s Special Commendation and Chief’s Outstanding Unit Award.

Alfred Johnson, Commander of the Bureau of Special Services

The Commander of the Bureau of Special Services oversees the Strategic Enforcement Section including the Narcotics Unit, SWAT, the Northern Ohio Law Enforcement Task Force, STANCE, the Gang Impact unit, the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force, HIDTA, the Domestic Violence Warrant Unit and the Violent Crimes Task Force.

Commander Alfred Johnson was appointed to the Cleveland Division of Police in 2007.  He served the Division of Police in the Fifth District and Third District on Basic Patrol and in the Community Services Unit, as well as within the Gang Impact Unit.  Commander Alfred Johnson was promoted to Sergeant in 2017, serving as a supervisor within the Gang Impact Unit.  Johnson is the recipient of multiple awards including a Chief’s Commendation, the Distinguished Service Medal, the Chief’s Outstanding Unit Award and a Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Award.

Cleveland Division of Police Announces Police Chaplain Appointments

Six Police Chaplains Appointed

CLEVELAND- Mayor Frank G. Jackson, Director of Public Safety Karrie D. Howard and Police Chief Calvin D. Williams announce six Police Chaplain appointments to the Cleveland Division of Police.  The appointments will fill the roles of vacant Police Chaplain positions.  These appointments will take effect on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.

Chaplain Rosa Colondres

Chaplain Rosa Colondres is a Pentecostal Minister and  is currently serving as an Ordained Minister with the Iglesia Cristiana.  Ms. Colondres is an Ordained Pastor for Juveniles and has a Bachelors in Biblical Theology.  Ms. Colondres lives in the City of Cleveland and speaks Spanish fluently.  Ms. Colondres hopes to help officers in crisis. 

Chaplain Craig Donofrio

Chaplain Craig Donofrio is a Pastor at St. James Lutheran Church in Cleveland (Old Brooklyn Area) and has been an ordained Pastor for 22 years.  Mr. Donofrio served as a Chaplain in New York for First Responders after the terrorist attacks of September 11thand since then has become fond of officers and Firefighters.   Mr. Donofrio understands the traumas that officers face in their duties.  He is eager to help officers and looks forward to being part of the team.  

Chaplain Freddie Graves Jr.

Chaplain Freddie Graves the lead Pastor of The Rock Church.  Mr. Graves received a Master of Arts Degree in Black Church Studies from Ashland Seminary.  His extensive professional experience includes serving as Pastor and a Minister of Worship of various churches and organizations.  Mr. Graves feels it is important that the Community understand that officers are there to help others and that they are human too.   Mr. Graves is excited to be a Police Chaplain. 

Chaplain Theodore Kavouras

Chaplain Theodore Kavouras is a Deacon at Christ Lutheran Church (Cleveland). Mr. Kavouras was elected Deacon in April of 2021.  He has a Bachelor of Science from Indiana Wesleyan University. Mr.  Kavouras’ father is currently a Police Chaplain and through his father he has learned of the troubles that First Responders face and wants to help officers through difficult times.   

Chaplain Timothy Rosenberger Jr*Mr. Rosenberger was unable to attend today’s ceremony and will be sworn in at a later time.

Chaplain Timothy Rosenberger Jr. is a Lutheran Pastor and the youngest applicant at 26 years of age.  Rosenberger has a Master of Divinity Degree from United Lutheran Seminary.   Mr. Rosenberger Jr. has a Doctor of Ministry from Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University and is the Lead Pastor at Sola Caritas Metropolitan Community Church.  He currently lives and works in Ohio City.  His Ministry was originally conceived for the LGTBQ Community but has grown to welcome others who may feel dislocated. He has always wanted to be a Chaplain for First Responders. 

Chaplain Grady L. Stevenson Jr.

Chaplain Grady Stevenson is the City of Cleveland Executive Director of the Community Relations Board where he works to promote relations among Cleveland’s racial and cultural groups.  He began his career with the City of Cleveland in 1989 serving as a meter reader and later a customer service representative with the Departments of Public Works and Public Utilities. He returned to the City in 2006 to work for the Department of Community Relations as a supervisor in the areas of community outreach and crisis intervention.  Mr. Stevenson worked as a liaison from the city to local families victimized by violence, planned several community events to increase positive relationships between the police force and the public, and has connected several ethnic communities within Cleveland to local resources.  He also serves as the Pastor of Damascus Road Ministries.  Stevenson hopes to bridge the gap between the community and the police.  Mr. Stevenson studied at the Northeast Ohio School of Ministry. 

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