State Senator Sandra Williams first to file petitions for Mayor of Cleveland


State Senator Sandra Williams today became the first candidate for Mayor of Cleveland to file her petitions for the September 14 primary election.

Greeted by supporters as she entered the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, Williams pledged a campaign focused on Cleveland’s future. “We stand at the threshold of a new day for the City of Cleveland.” Williams told the crowd. She went on to note the challenges our city still faces and how for too many it is hard to imagine better days ahead.

Senator Williams then shared her belief that this moment of peril has presented our best opportunity in decades to rebuild our city. Sharing her vision of a new, better Cleveland she said, “I see a city of opportunity for all Clevelanders; a city where economic, racial and gender inequality are extinguished;  where a good education is within the grasp of every student; and where fear and crime have plummeted..”

Williams also noted that in November Cleveland  voters will have the chance, as we did 50 years ago, to breakdown old barriers by electing the first female African American mayor.

Williams finished by pledging that her campaign will focus on every neighborhood and community in Cleveland. “This will be a campaign of bringing Clevelanders together in a crusade to build a community we can all be proud of, a city where our families and our children see a future brighter than today. Moving forward together is our path to a better tomorrow.  And together nothing can stop us.” Senator Williams concluded. 

Senator Williams filed a total of 4,971 signatures from across the city, well in excess of the 3,000 required to earn a place on the ballot.

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