Photographer Dawn Tarka

See Photographer Dawn Tarka’s work now at 5 Points Coffee & Tea, located at 3600 W. Park Rd.

Tarka is a local West Park resident, and her work will be on display at the coffee shop from now until the end of February.

“As a child, I was given a camera as a Christmas gift, and my interest in photography really started from there,” she says. “I started taking a lot of snapshots and in high school, I was the editor of our school yearbook.”

Tarka enrolled in the Sante Fe Photographic Workshop recently and participated in their program which taught about image composition and more.

Aside from taking photographs for the above-mentioned workshop and during her other travels, Tarka says she still gets an immeasurable amount of joy from taking photos around West Park.

“Some of my favorite places are the Metroparks and the police and fire monument (Rocky River Drive),” she says. “Also, the downtown business area. It really captures the essence of what it’s like to live in West Park.”

Tarka has lived in West Park for 14 years and looks forward to continuing to document its beauty with her photographs. In addition to her photograph submissions to the West Park Times, Tarka also performs a variety of freelance work.

There will be a ‘Meet the Artist’ event at 5 Points Coffee & Tea from 2:30 until 4 p.m.
on Sunday, February 17.

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